Fantasy World Built In a Hotel – no Flight Needed to Travel

Welcome back to the blogpost sequence related to the tourism industry and the numerous changes it is going through. In the previous post, you’ve discovered the latest trends in the industry and now it is time to dive into some real-world examples of how hotels are managing the challenging situation.

In times of crisis, it is important to be as innovative as possible.

The hotel industry is one of the most affected by the crisis and playing it safe may be a shortsighted decision right now.

Last year, the management of 25Hours Hotel Zürich Langstrasse was ready for change and
provided 20 rooms on two floors for a unique project – Selfie Hotel. There is usually not much room for such projects in the city of Zurich, but the Corona crisis allowed implementation. 25Hours Hotel Zürich Langstrasse seems to be an ideal venue for such a project, as this bright and modern hotel clearly attracts younger generations – Gen Y and Z.

Selfie Hotel is a Pop-Up museum concept, where visitors can immerse themselves in the extraordinary atmosphere of numerous spectacular photo studios. The actual hotel rooms were temporarily rebuilt for this purpose. Here is the video of how it looked like.

The project was operated by Team Future and Aroma was responsible for its construction and production. Both companies are committed to the conscious use of resources. So apart from just being a visually appealing space, the Selfie Hotel collaborated with “WirSindZukunft”, a project implemented by Energie Schweiz, to draw attention to the importance of sustainable living.

The environmental issue is projected in the design of some rooms. For example, there was a room called “Melting Point”, which was dedicated to the melting Aletsch Glacier. The big watch on the wall indicated, that the time to solve the issue is very limited and the actions have to be taken now. It is intended to encourage the Swiss population to make everyday life more energy-efficient and to actively deal with the topics of energy and climate protection. By visiting the museum and tagging your posts with #WirSindZukunft or #WeAreTheFuture, you can also contribute to growing awareness.

Very soon the new Selfie Hotel pop-up museum will open its doors in Lausanne. To be precise, on the 29th of April in Alpha Palmiers by Fassbind Hotel.

The Selfie Hotel invites you to engage with topics and messages about climate protection and energy efficiency in an eventful way. It will be your chance to have some fun with friends and also spread the important message! Closer to the opening date you will find the necessary information on the website of the project and its official Instagram account.

What do you think about such a creative approach? Let’s discuss this in the comments below.
What else can hotels do in such challenging times? You will find out in the next series of posts.

Previous post:

2021, Massive Changes and Top 5 Trends in the tourism industry


Sofia Demidenko

We all know, the world of tourism has changed, keeps changing, and probably will never be the same as before. In fact, a full recovery of the sector is not expected until the years of 2023-2024. But in this blog you will learn about the opportunities this situation has brought. You will be updated about forecasts for the future of hospitality. As a bonus, here you will find the inspiration for your upcoming trips in Switzerland. I am looking forward to getting in touch with you under my posts and any feedback from you would be tremendously helpful! Thank you.

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15 thoughts on “Fantasy World Built In a Hotel – no Flight Needed to Travel

  1. Interesting approach by the management of the hotel. Definitely not something that I’ve seen adopted by major hotels which mostly provide available rooms for a day Home Office purpose. Looking forward to know what other options are taken by hotels at such times!

    1. True that! Mostly they change to purpose of the room, as you said – to Home office/online meeting space.Thank you for your comment!

  2. Wow! I had no idea you can be so inventive in the hotel industry! That was definitely something new for me. Thank you for sharing Sofia!

    1. It was a surprise to me to find out that they have actually rebuilt the hotel rooms. Having visited it last summer, I can tell it must have been a lot of work!

  3. They got very creative!! I’ve never seen something like this before.. and I think the message is the most important part of it all. Thank you for this info Sofia. Looking forward to reading more from you.

    1. Thank you Pamela. Me too, I found it very unusual. The decorations were made of recycled material and the message was spread through the room designs.

  4. Very creative and clever way to adapt! I wonder if this project turned out to be profitable at the end. Thanks Sofia!

    1. This is also my question. The tickets were around 30 Francs and I am sure it was visited by a lot of local young people as they were queueing to get in. So I get the impression that it might have been profitable. It is still better than just keeping the hotel rooms empty for a season.

  5. Oh wow, I had no idea a hotel concept like this existed! And its so on brand with Gen Y and Z. Looking forward to see what other exciting hotel sites you’re able to tell us about!

    1. Thank you for your comment Srishti! It is a temporary concept, but this year it will take place again in another hotel.. maybe next year as well – with a new design 🙂

  6. Adaptation at its best! What an innovative way of dealing with the challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought on the hospitality industry 🙂
    Obrigada Sofia!

  7. Hi Sofia, thanks a lot for this very enjoyable to read article! It’s impressive to see how critical, creative thinking can be in keeping the hotel industry alive! I am looking forward to your next interesting article! ?

    1. Maintaining the industry alive… well said! Thank you for your comment Begüm! I will provide some other interesting examples in the future posts!

  8. Such an interesting article Sofia. I think it’s great to see such innovative ideas in Switzerland. Not every hotel can adapt to the new reality, but it seems that the 25Hours Hotel Zürich Langstrasse managed to produce lemonade. Are there other hotels designed specifically for generations Y and Z?

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