Self Care Buchempfehlungen – Lesen inspiriert

Voltaire hat einmal gesagt: «Lesen stärkt die Seele». Belesen zu sein, ist etwas Schönes. Es eröffnet uns neue Perspektiven und lässt uns wachsen. Selbstverwirklichung und Wachstum der eigenen Person ist etwas Fundamentales, was uns glücklich macht und uns reifen lässt. So behaupte ich: Lesen gehört …

A Glass of Wine? A Bottle, Please!

Summer, the time of having a beer by the lake or chilling in a park, is coming, slowly but its coming. I have always considered myself as a beer guy. That does not mean that I know anything about it. I just drink it. That’s …

Food Fact: Balsambirne aka Bittermelone

Die Begriffe Balsam und Birne kennen wir alle. Wie sieht es aber mit der Kombination Balsambirne aus? Oder sagt euch Bittergurke oder Bittermelone etwas? Es handelt sich hierbei um ein mit Noppen übersätes, gurkenförmiges Gemüse, welches nicht gerade appetitlich aussieht. ABER: Es ist ein Power-Gemüse! …

Sustainable Makeup

Personally, I have always been passionate about makeup, I loved the fact how makeup can transform you in one way or another. As I became older, I was into makeup more and I always wanted to buy different kinds of brands from cheap to expensive …

Peeking through the Gender Gap in Switzerland

Over the years, women, globally, have been working hard to close the gender gap in terms of welfare rights, salary, policies and many other aspects. While the strive to gender equality has seen improvements in most developing countries over the years, it is astounding that …

Less Waste More Living: Future of Recycling

We waste so much! We as humans have to be more conscious of the environmental footprint and being more resourceful. Millions of things that could be reused or recycled end up being thrown away. Instead of creating more waste, we should recycle our household materials …