Mexicans in the World…Cups

(Reading time: Approx. 5 minutes) Hola, que buena onda que regresaste! Football or soccer (if you are not one of the 4 billion people that call it football) is the most popular sport in the world. In fact, the World Cup is the biggest of …

Understanding Startup Investments in 2020

For what do you need to invest in venture capital?  Investing in early-stage startups is truly an art and provides an opportunity to be a part of innovation as well as feel real ownership in the companies. Additionally, it gives a chance to investors to: …

Wenn CRM viral wird

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser Die Zukunft mag vielleicht digital sein, der persönliche Kontakt wird jedoch vermutlich immer einer der Grundbausteine für den Erfolg bleiben. Doch was machen, wenn die sonst schon raren persönlichen Kundenkontakte in der Customer Journey dank Covid-19 komplett wegfallen? In der aktuellen …

The Impact of Good Design

 “Design adds value faster than it adds costs.” – Joel Spolsky, web programmer, writer, and creator of Trello “Design isn’t about beauty; it’s about market relevance and meaningful results.” – a noteworthy designer, Adobe In the first blog, I explained the problems companies might face …