Future & Family: Change means Consistency and Stepping up!

Many of you have asked me why I chose this topic as I am not parent or currently planning on being one in the near future. I chose this topic because I believe that in order to create a “people-centric” working culture, we need to remember we are humans first!

I will share a personal story that really touched my heart and made me see we need to put the humanity back in the workplace. I have had several teammates who had young children and they always came into work with a smile and gave their 100% work but unfortunately, they also felt torn between balancing responsibilities / having parent guilt and work. One of them told me “I can never get that time back”, with their children, that really struck a nerve with me. Now, I’m sure if you have ever spoken to your own parents, many people have the same experience, this is problematic side effect of today’s working culture.

Both Management and co-workers alike need to support and more importantly understand the discrimination that occurs unconsciously and consciously in the workplace. If there is anything you have learned throughout these blog posts, I hope it’s that change takes consistency. Even it is something as regularly updating & reviewing policies with regards to maternity, paternity and parental leave. Organizing focus group with employee’s with children and figuring out what their pain points are with the current policies. What do they wish they had? What type of support do they need now? To help make these changes, key decision makers need to be involved and promote the cultural change in the company. Simple things like creating social media awareness which also helps with employer branding and attracting new talent looking for a more caring and understanding working environment.

I would like to end this blog journey by sharing some resources where you as an employee or as an HR manager can find information on Maternity, Paternity and parental leave policies. I also encourage employers to create internal policies for their LGBTQ employees as unfortunately as we discussed there are not enforced legal regulations that protect/acknowledge their rights as parents. Last but not least, change needs to be supported by men. I encourage all future fathers and fathers to demand and take the leave given and contribute to domestic “household” work. By taking leave and contributing in the home, we can get closer to closing the gender wage gap. Starting a family is an exciting journey, but you shouldn’t feel alone or that you need to hide. Speak up, and document exchanges with regards to “sensitive” topics such as these.  All though many companies claim to have a “bottom up” approach, it is really the key decision makers that need to listen to employees and help cement the change in corporate cultures.

Thank you so much for reading and staying with me! I wish you all the best on your career and family journeys. I’ve just left a little “homework” for you and there are two quick videos to spark you fire!





Sources and informational websites:

International Labour Organization:


UN Women:



Traveler, Foodie and Hotelier. Working in the hospitality industry for 5 years in the Human Resource & Digital coporate space. My passion for people and my goal of this blog is to contribute positively and strategically to the hotel industry. The main focus of this blog will be family leave and the ROI hotel companies will /can experience by prioritzing this in their organizations.

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