The good old times when customer service was conducted through the phone are (fortunately) long gone. Today, automated and customized content creation, virtual assistants, chatbots, and predictive analysis are playing an essential role in shaping the new customer service.
Chatbots are definitely the first thing that comes to our mind when talking about customer service and AI technologies. But how many of you know that Deep Learning is behind this technology? Machine Learning makes it possible to automate simple tasks of customer service to create better customer experiences and save costs. But what are exactly chatbots? How do they work? And, are they replacing human jobs?
Here you can find an infographic with all the basic information you need to know:
Want to learn more about how Deep Learning is optimizing customer service? Don’t miss the next blog post 🙂
If you have any questions, you can leave me a comment in the section below!
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash
How is machine learning being used in customer service?
Chatbots and the future of automation
Bots Gain Importance in Gartner Service Technologies Bullseye
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Customer Service
Hi Margherita, can chatbot also use slang and humor?
Hi Maurizio. Humor could be considered the final frontier for AI. At the moment it still represents a challenge which is even increased by language and translation issues. Consider as well that not all humans have humor, so imagine how difficult it is to teach chatbots to have it 🙂
However, more and more companies are investing to create chatbots with a friendly personality. It seems like a human touch is highly appreciated in the interaction with the chatbots.
Hi Margi
Well written and summarized in a comprehensible way, thanks for that.
You noted by 2022 more than 70% of office workers will interact with chatbots – that seems fairly high. Is such a high percentage realistic? Considering my last employer which has hardly been working with chatbots. Nevertheless, let’s see how things develop in the future.
Hi Lorenz. Thanks so much for your comment. You’ re right, it’s quite an impressive percentage. However, I guess that Van Baker (VP Analyst at Gartner) knows what is talking about. Unfortunately, I could not find if he’s referring to the USA or to the whole world, but since the company has more than 15,000 clients in more than 100 countries, also this last option could be possible. Moreover, Baker said as well that “There has been a more than 160% increase in client interest around implementing chatbots and associated technologies in 2018 from previous years,”. So as you can see numbers are speeding when it comes to AI technologies. But of course, who knows exactly. Let’s see what the future holds 🙂
Great and informative graphic Margherita! I was also astonished about the 70% of people interacting with Chatbots. I mean its a prediction for in two years, so who knows what will happen but I also think it’s rather high.
Hi, Katharina thanks a lot! Yes, it’s quite a high percentage. Definitely technology and AI are getting a boost during this corona times, so who knows. Maybe this percentage could be reached even before that time. 🙂
A great quick read, thanks! I remember the first time I have talked with chatbots in 2013, it was very underdeveloped and could only take so much, but I was already intrigued how they can learn so much and what they will be able to do one day. I think it is a great way of customizing the customer journey and cater to everyone’s specific needs without increasing workload for customer service employees.
Thanks Eszter for sharing your story 🙂 Yes true. What I enjoy the most is that chatbots can provide you with information 24/7, no matters if it’s weekend or night time.
Very interesting article Margherita! To be honest, I appreciate especially when companies use chatbots for 24/7 support on their web shops. I am also a bit surprised about the 70% people interacting with Chatbots in 2022. However, there could be a big push, especially now that digital interactions have become even more important.
Hi Anja, thanks for your comment. I also really appreciate their 24/7 availability, so nothing can stop me from doing online shopping during the weekend 🙂 Concerning the percentage, I see your doubts but I guess it could be possible at least for big multinational companies that really want to save costs and optimize the customer experience.