Zukunftsaussichten im Sponsoring – was wird sich ändern?

Digitale Sponsoring Aktivierungen werden nur ein Teil davon sein, worauf sich die Sponsoringnehmer-/geber in Zukunft achten werden müssen.  Hier eine weiterführende Liste von verschiedenen persönlichen Gedankenanstössen, worauf sich zukünftige Sponsoring Manager einstellen sollten. 1 – Sponsoring für Generation Y/Z Wie bereits in einem vorherigen Beitrag …

The perfect podcast: Q&A

Hello, hello! Can you believe it? These are the last words I am typing for this project. I had such a great time sharing with you the little knowledge I gained from reading so many articles and talking to super interesting professionals. For this last …

Smart Home Tech: How to secure your smart home!

It is true that we have been talking a lot about the advantages of voice assistants and how they can help you make your home “smart” but how do they work? Where does all the data go? Are they listening to you all the time? How could you make your smart home safe?  …

Deep Learning and Chatbots – Infographic

The good old times when customer service was conducted through the phone are (fortunately) long gone. Today, automated and customized content creation, virtual assistants, chatbots, and predictive analysis are playing an essential role in shaping the new customer service. Chatbots are definitely the first thing …

Agile Tools for Collaborative Knowledge Work

How do you integrate agility in your every day’s work? Which tools do you use and why? – These are two questions I have asked my interviewees for this week’s topic: agile tools for collaborative knowledge work. While last week’s blog post served as an introduction to …

What does Deep Learning have to do with animal behaviors?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVNSW0hQrlw&feature=youtu.be To study animal behaviors, different methods involving Deep Learning algorithms have been developed. Let’s have a look at one of the most outstanding project in the field. If you do believe (as I did before approaching this topic) that capturing the posture of animals …