How to have a more Eco-friendly Summer

Summer is approaching by the weather becoming warmer and the daylight going longer. We all crave sunshine and long sunny days. Thus, being in the ‘Summer Mode’ we tend to forget more than usual. Summer vacation, more time to spend with friends and family, and plenty of fun activities to do in the warm weather. We then tend to lose track of our habits of recycling, composting and much more. So how can we continue to save energy and the environment during our Summer holidays?

1. Ride a bike more often

Try to avoid public transportations or driving a car. Help reduce the carbon emissions by riding a bike to a friend’s house or to the stores. If it is warm outside, try using a bike or even an e-bike to get to where you need to go. It is a good exercise option. In order to achieve a higher bike riding rate, cities and towns must make changes in order to have more bike riders. By implementing bike sharing, better roads and paths for bikes to ride on, making it more friendly for the cyclists.  

2. Use Eco-friendly Sunscreen and After-sun cream

When you think about it, there are so many sunblock brands! We pick the ones that are convenient to us or the ones our mom’s have been using and we copy them. Sunblock and protecting our skin during the hot sunny summer days is very important for our health. We don’t want to get burnt bottom line, but using chemical and harsh products on ourselves and for the environment is not really worth it. Here are some examples of environmentally friendly and marine-safe sunscreens that you can use as a substitute for generic brands. 

As we all know, sunscreens and other lotions affect aquatic organisms due to two chemicals, oxybenzone and octinoxate. Although these two chemicals are one of the most common uses for UV protection, there are still other substances that can harm marine life. So, companies have taken initiative to create sunscreen products that are ‘reef safe’. The All Good Sport sunscreen is a vegan alternative and is oxybenzone free. The brand babo Botanicals also is a eco-friendly sunscreen that doesn’t use harsh chemicals to hurt the reefs. The Hello Bello sunblock is not only a ‘reef safe’ sunscreen but it is also FDA approved sunscreen that protects agains all three types of UV rays (UVB, UVA2, UVA1). Also, did I mention that they are also vegan and cruelty free. Another good sunscreen is Weleda – Edelweiss Sun Care that does not have nanoparticles and eco-friendly. It leaves a thick layer of white, but that is good thing because those chemicals that remove the white cream look are bad for us and the environment. 

Aloe is everything! It is one of my favorite herbal remedies for after sunburn, minor cuts, and making your skin hydrated. Aloe vera is the best for after sun relief, however you must look for the true aloe creams or even just having an aloe plant in your home and making your own home recipes. When shopping for aloe lotions or gels, try to avoid green in color because true aloe is clear. So, chemicals were added to the product to make it “green”. Also, try to avoid it if it has a strong fragrance because that also is a lie! What you should look for is if it says 100% and it’s clear and even calendula cream is very effective for a sunburn. 

3. Grow your own Vegetables

Growing your own food allows you to rely on traditional methods rather than always going to the grocery stores or the local farms. You help reduce carbon emissions from traveling to get the food and also the demand for the grocery stores supplying the food. This is a great way to make your backyard or balcony colorful. Also, this is a good learning opportunity, it shows the enthusiasm for giving back to the environment and teaching others to be environmentally friendly.

4. Try a Vegan BBQ

I know we like picnics, and what’s a cookout without some meat or ribs? However, these are one of the main causes of climate change because they require large amounts of water and other grains to feed animals. There are many meat free options, and you can even eat them with vegetables and potatoes! Especially in the summer when the season is ripe for vegetables and fruits!

5. Relax on the AC (Air Conditioner)

As the climate gets hotter people tend to blast their air conditioning all summer long. However, that contributes to a huge cause in electricity usage which doesn’t help our environment. If it is your only way of staying cool in the summer then yes use it. However, be more responsible and try these alternatives to help you stay cool this summer. 

Cotton clothes are lightweight fabrics, they can help you cool down and even invest in cotton or linen bedding. If you are still feeling hot, drink more water and cold food products. My favorite, try having an ice cream once in a while to keep cool and a it’s delicious treat! In addition, try to open the windows at night to get fresh air, and reduce the sunlight in the houses use dark curtains or close curtains during the day.

6. Use Natural Mosquito repellent

When we spend time outdoors, there is nothing more damper than being annoyed by mosquitoes. However, not all mosquito repellents are eco-friendly or environmentally conscious. Citronella candles are very popular when it comes to mosquito repelling and on a natural basis. Another great thing to look for is Eucalyptus because bugs and mosquitoes don’t like that smell at all. A good type of citronella candle idea is this Medella Naturals mosquito repellent. It is safe to use on adults and kids and even pets! This insect repellent is made without fragrances, dyes, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals. When looking for the next insect repellent to buy try reading the ingredients and find as close as natural and organic as possible. Even if it means spending that extra few dollars.

7. Have Sustainable Parties 

The Summer months are a good time to throw parties, spend more time outside and enjoy the sunny weather. However, they generate a lot of unnecessary waste. Narrow down your invite list and follow these simple rules in the video to keep your next gathering green.

Thank you for reading my blog! Feel free to leave any comments or questions you may have. Stay tuned for the next post soon!

Check out my other blogs if you haven’t already read them! More topics about reducing waste and being more aware of our carbon footprint and how we can make a difference to the environment.

How ‘Green Technology’ can help reduce our carbon impact

Apps that can help you achieve a greener lifestyle 

How can we develop and Zero Waste mindset?

Sustainable Future: Why should we be watching our Water supply?

Simplify your Eating Habits: Waste Less

Less Waste More Living: Future of Recycling

Zero-Waste Movement: Why companies should be Recycling?

Victoria Zaitsev

I strongly believe that kindness is important to one another by making the world a better place. We should cherish the environment and leave a small impact on the place we call home. As I am learning about eco-friendly companies and how they incorporate the use of recycling on a daily basis and sharing with you what I think is most crucial towards going Green and the future of business.

View all posts by Victoria Zaitsev →

2 thoughts on “How to have a more Eco-friendly Summer

  1. Victoria! Thank you for the information! I didn’t know that there are so many eco-friendly sunscreens!! I would try them this summer!

  2. Hi Victoria! Very interesting article! I will definitely try to be more cautious about the environment this summer 🙂

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