(Reading time: Approx. 5 minutes)
Hola, que buena onda que regresaste!
Football or soccer (if you are not one of the 4 billion people that call it football) is the most popular sport in the world. In fact, the World Cup is the biggest of all events in the world. With facts like that, it should not be a surprise that for many Mexicans football is religion. And believe me, some have taken it to the next level.
In my last posts I have praised my people and country, and many of you have been surprised on how much the world has been gifted by many Mexican talents and resources. In this occasion the post will be different, today I will make a compilation of the WTF things that Mexicans did in the World Cupssssss (yes in plural). Enjoy!
Warning, the following actions were done under the influence of alcohol do not try to imitate.
La Copa de la Vida (o la copa del alcohol?)
If you have never been abroad, I would bet that if you think of Paris what comes to your mind is elegance and sophistication. Now, travel in time with me I will take you to France’98. That summer the Mexican Rodrigo Rafael Ortega put off the eternal flame under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The flame had been burning for 75 years until Rodrigo Rafael urinated on it *what did my eyes just read?* Of course the act had big implications, apologies from the Mexican government had to be given and a ceremony had to be held to turn the fire back on (・_・) uuupsi!
I guess not so Kawaii
The first time in history that the speed train in Japan was stopped (yes you got it) occurred when a very drunk Mexican man pulled the emergency handle. The unexpected stop of the 250 km/hr train occasioned an unprecedented police mobilization during the Korea-Japan 2002 World Cup, and all just because of one little Mexican in the world…cup ( ◡‿◡ *) gomen’nasai (sorry in Japanese)
Waka Waka eh eh
During the 2010 South Africa World Cup, not even Nelson Mandela’s statue was safe from drunkards. A Mexican fan thought it would be cool to dress Mandela’s statue with a Mariachi hat. Long story short, the South African authorities took the act as a national offence and in retaliation banned the fan from all matches that the Mexican National Team played in the country. Hahaha, what a move from the authorities \(≧▽≦)/
Really, but reeeeeeally do not try this one. In the World Cup Brasil 2014, a group of drunk Mexicans hit the global headlines! What was reported is that the Mexican Jorge Lopez Amores #challenged himself to jump off board the Cruise Ship he and the group were travelling. To prove himself he did, sadly after five days of search he was never found (+_+)
And well not only the fans have misbehaved in the World Cups, here I leave you the link to read what the Mexican players have done (°◡°)

Why do you keep inviting me?”
And with that meme I say goodnight and invite you to reflect on your alcohol consumption (>ω<)