What does a Fashion Micro-Influencer do on Social Media (Instagram)

Whether we like to admit or not, each and everyone of us flock into Instagram for some inspirations (mostly for new styles). Do you wonder why Instagram Influencers are so important to us? Here is a small justification:

According to the statistics of October 2019, “Instagram” has grown speedily over the years and continues to broaden its horizons with more than 500Milliom users on a daily basis. At first, it was considered as a photo-sharing app, where people shared their holiday pictures and to now the application appeals to all kinds of bloggers and influencers together with business profiles. It has become a key source for communication, learning, commerce and entertainment, as well as one of today’s popular sales and marketing channel. (Gaid. A, 2019) Want to know how? It is quite easy, whenever you require promotion for your business/products, do it this time with advertising from influencer marketing strategy. Which can contribute a shocking turn over.

Currently, most individuals are so much interested in becoming a blogger, vlogger and influencer on Instagram. What is the difference between those 3? Well, they are all the same if you have common niche and content, except: Bloggers- blog posts; Vloggers- video posts; Influencers- posts with established credibility and a large number of followers. Since we are focusing on Micro-Fashion-Influencers, the definition of this occupation is from small to mid-sized Instagram followers with specific niche. The number of followers doesn’t matter if you are not engaging with your target audience, but your followers are the ones who can make you an influencer straightaway. Did you even know that you can also be an influencer (beginner) on Instagram, nowadays? In order to do so, you need to have a few hundred to between 20,000Followers. Precisely, from economic prospective for most of the brands it is an advantage to work with micro-influencers, rather than influencers with a huge amount of followers. As for them, brands need to invest more budget than for micro ones. (Torossian. R, 2020)

Proverbial Marketing Gold

Even big organizations/ companies/ brands are noticing the impact of influencers on the marketplace, which is now define as a real job with legal ramifications of their work. Isn’t it incredible? People could have a chance to maximize their income. In the UK, the Advertising Standards Agency invented a rule, that:

“If an Influencer reaches 30,000Followers on any Social Media, will make him/her as a celebrity”

Instead of a popular influencer, a brand finds a micro influencer with a high engagement rate more effective and practical, as the eager of those influencers in to keep their audience growing and enchanting. Therefore, with fewer followers it is more likely to have an influence than a popular one with less connection and personal interaction.


So, what the fashion influencers actually do on SOME?

One of the common tasks with bloggers is to market the brands products, previously received, then creating a valuable content in order to spread the information to the rest of the World. While, most of the micro influencers are not so famous, I will offer an example of a celebrity and a micro-influencer. For example: Kylie Jenner (170Milliom followers) an American self-made billionaire at this moment, who posts pictures of herself wearing “Fashion Nova” (a top online fashion store) jeans and mentions the brand in her content. Therefore, this collaboration in beneficial to the brand, but not every business could afford to pay so much money for a mega-influencer. Hence, a micro fashion influencer like Carolina (13.4K followers), being a model and a mum, she states: “Who said you couldn’t be pregnant and fashionable at the same time”.

In the end, I would like to highlight that most businesses consider Micro-Influencers in all niches with a higher turnover and their audiences are more likely to follow recommendations, suggestions, offers.

Want to Know More?

A Research on Micro-Influencers impact on market.

Complete Influencer Marketing Guide 2020

The Complete Guide to Growing Your Business with Instagram Marketing

How many followers do you need to be an Influencer?

Micro-influencers and B2C brand videos: A match made in heaven





An adaptable and responsible Master student in Online Business and Marketing seeking to obtain diversified experiences that allows one to compete in this evolving market. Desperately interested in culture, arts, fashion and sports.

View all posts by ajalolidin →

28 thoughts on “What does a Fashion Micro-Influencer do on Social Media (Instagram)

  1. Something new I found out 😀
    I have no brain about business so actually I am kinda surprised the information about how the comapnies are offering to the influencers.
    Its sounds nice during pregnancy to become an influencer but I know I will be a messy mom 😀 😀
    Very great article! <3

    1. Welcome back Mary!
      Thanks a lot for staying updated for my blog posts.
      I am glad to see that you have find something new for you. Well to be honest not everyone knows about that, that is why i have decided to write a post on that. Especially nowadays, people are struggling with their jobs and they are looking for something else in order to improve themselves. I would be very happy to see you as a Micro-Influencer in your desired niche, inspired by my blog.If you require any additional information you could always contact me. Stay tuned as always!

  2. I believe Instagram has become one of the platform where you can find it in each and everyone’s mobile phone. Most of the time they use it to follow trends such as fashion, food, vacation and so on. It has a major impact on businesses by attracting more audience. It’s a very useful article where it sums up everything. Thanks Aziza for sharing these knowledgeable thought.

    1. Hi Sheeksha,
      Welcome back to my blog. Nice to see your great comment!
      Yes you are right, most of the Influencers has their own niche which in my case is a Fashion Industry. And as i have mentioned on the post, that these days a lot of brands and “big businesses” use Influencers as a marketing strategy to promote and advertise their products and services. I think other business should also take that into consideration. Hope this post helps and gives you a great knowledge to consider for your future development.

    1. Hi Anastasia,
      Thank you for your comment. I am glad that you find my blog useful.Please stay tuned for the next upcoming posts and also you can view my other previous posts.

  3. That’s a great subject, I heard that instagram was invented for a food , restaurants with a tasty food ? ,but now it’s a really helpful for a different kind of business !

    1. Hi Alina,
      Thanks for your comment.
      Apparently, Instagram was created in order to share your personal/vocational pictures. Nowadays, it is more broad and interesting to have with different niches and even celebrities profiles are more engaging. Stay tuned for my next posts..

  4. Worth reading every word , after reading the whole post you will get inspired to become Instagram Influencer ?. Keep updating us with new blog posts please !!!

    1. Welcome back Aiyaz to my blog post.
      Thank you for your impression 😉 Yes, true i am going towards it. I will definitely upload my upcoming posts very soon, so stay tuned!

    1. Hi Cerasela,
      Thanks a lot for your comment!
      I am very glad that You- being a blogger already, is eager to find out more about my blog. Hope you find the other upcoming posts also relevant and of your interest.

    1. Hi Cerasela,
      I am very glad to see a comment from you as an “Instagram Blogger”.
      Stay tuned for upcoming posts.

  5. Wow Fantastic..Very precious and upto the point.. any idle who reads the above will get inspired for sure…Keep posting more and more ,,, let people get inspired

    1. Hi Hamid,
      Welcome back to my blog!
      Thanks a lot for such a positive feedback! I am very glad to see that my blog inspires not only Female’s but also Male’s. I will keep posting, so stay tuned for upcoming ones;)

  6. To be honest I am impressed. To find this kind of reliable data shows that you are quite good at it. Indeed, I did not have the idea that the influencers are divided into some categories. Good points from economic and marketing perspectives. Furthermore, I want to mention that you took a really big platform. Social networking platforms are currently the absolute most vigorously dealt puts on the web, and sharing center points, for example, Instagram is progressively transforming into a social touchpoint for many individuals around the globe. Now I leave no doubt that I can become a micro-influencer 🙂

    1. Hi Shiraz,
      Thanks a lot for such a great comment! Happy to see that you got inspired by my blog. Well, of course you can become a Mirco-Influencer in your area where you are based. Just choose your own niche and post things that are relevant to that niche. Being active on Instagram is very essential, especially when you are an Influencer. After doing all that, there might be a chance that brands will notice you and start working with you.So why not? Try it out. I wish you all the best and prosperous future. Stay tuned for my next posts.

  7. Your blog is very impressive! I am shocked that i can be able to find this kind of information on a blog post. Well, the way you explained how to become a Micro-Influencer is just incredible. I am also very passionate about fashion and im looking forward to use all those tips and tricks from your posts. As you wont find all of that just on Social Media, you have to look to it for ages but with your blog it is very easy to figure out.

    1. Hi Emma,
      Nice to see these overwhelming words in your comment!
      Thanks a lot, i am very happy to see how inspired you are. Stay tuned for my new posts.

  8. This blog is eminently informative & interesting ,It let me have peak behind how mostly Instagram & People on Instagram work will be looking forward for more post from you.

    1. Hi there,
      Thanks a lot for your comment.I am glad to see that you find my blog informative and interesting. Surely, they will ;). Stay tuned for other upcoming posts.

  9. Hello Aziza, thank you very much for your blogpost it was very interesting and informative. I actually didn’t know that influencer marketing grew so fast in the past three years.

    1. Hi Ekaterina,
      Thanks a lot for your comment!
      Glad to see that you have found something informative. Stay tuned for my next posts.

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