How can we develop a Zero Waste mindset?

We know we need to save the environment but why don’t we enforce it on ourselves more? When an outbreak occurs, we try to plan and organize how to save every penny and be prepared. However, why don’t we plan more about how we can reduce the impact on the planet. Due to the convenience and abundance of things, we tend to get more than what we need. The zero waste lifestyle has been a growing movement that has definitely changed the hearts, minds and imaginations of many people. Communities are increasingly aware of waste and have adapted to a more sustainable and less wasteful environment. Understanding a zero waste mindset by how much unnecessary stuff is wasted and then applying to one’s own life to reduce waste. It is no longer acceptable to just look at the product and consider it to be zero waste. We must consider what happens before the product arrives to us and what will happen after.

Well, changing one’s mindset is not an easy task to do. We should understand that a zero waste mindset is a way of life that is more “Simple” or “Less impactful” towards us and the environment. You hear stories about people changing because something in their lives made them realize it was time to change, or go more sustainable. Changing the way of thinking is to accept what is happening in the routine and affects the environment. 

The image truly embodies the idea of how companies should achieve their goals. In order to get the right ethical and sustainable mindset, a business must consider all the 3 factors – people, planet and profit. Thinking about problems in a wider way and with a different mindset. Going green can seem very costly and time consuming, however the results of being sustainable and playing on the social role are rewarding and beneficial. By creating a sustainable and zero waste mindset will help your business grow with the community and change how we are in the future. How to achieve a sustainable mindset in the workplace? First off, start by knowing buzz words like “organic” “eco-friendly” and of course “sustainable”. These words attract the customers as well as showing how the product is represented. Businesses need to make it visible that what they are doing is harmless and helping the people and environment in the long term. Also, it is important to be aware of the change in your community and this mindset will help you think of what you can do to improve in a zero waste and environmentally friendly approach.

Value what you have

 It is important to focus on what you have not what you lack. Value isn’t just about how much cost an item is worth, but about seeing how much effort went into making those things. Having a zero waste mindset means respecting the things I buy and own. We need to treat cracks and broken parts as stories rather than defects.

Know the rules of recycling 

Know what can and cannot be recycled, reused and composted. Take a look in your home and see what you can reuse over and over again and the ones that are one time use. Try to save cardboard for future purposes of packaging and storing or reuse wine bottles for holding water when guests come over. Think twice before you throw something away and be creative of how you can turn your water bottle into the next useful thing. 

Avoid single use items 

Stop using things that need to be thrown away after one time use. No more using paper towels! Start using old rags and clothes for cleaning and washing purposes in the house. It is hard when it is the cold season but limit yourself to using tissues or other disposable products that end up in our landfill.

Go on a budget 

Stop buying so much stuff! Strict yourself on how much you can spend on items. See for a month how much you spend on food, cleaning items, clothes, or anything that just adds up from the bank account. Living in a consumerism world and always wanting the next best thing sounds nice, but in reality do we really need it? Plan on being strict for what is necessarily needed to buy. 

Generate waste into money 

See how much money you lose on waste from your trash bin and just depict what can and can’t be removed from your shopping list. Go shopping with your own cloth bags and place your fruits and vegetables in them rather than using plastic ones every time.

Zero waste will make a major difference to your health and well-being. Being more in control of your life and saving the environment is reaching towards a higher grade of satisfaction. Beware of the garbage we generate and how it enters the world, and pay more attention towards your life and the mindset you have towards it.

Check out this video! This girl established a zero waste lifestyle by reducing trash as much as possible!

I hope you enjoyed my blog post and stay tuned for my next one!


Kraaijenbrink, Jeroen. “What The 3Ps Of The Triple Bottom Line Really Mean.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 10 Dec. 2019.

Victoria Zaitsev

I strongly believe that kindness is important to one another by making the world a better place. We should cherish the environment and leave a small impact on the place we call home. As I am learning about eco-friendly companies and how they incorporate the use of recycling on a daily basis and sharing with you what I think is most crucial towards going Green and the future of business.

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4 thoughts on “How can we develop a Zero Waste mindset?

    1. I agree on many topics of this post but it is sometimes so hard to follow, especially when supermarkers don’t give you a choice. For instance, I would love to buy grains in my own container but I need to go to the specialized shop which is not near. It means I will take a car to drive there. Like this all my good incentive is not so valuable anymore. I wish we had more opportunities to be zero-waste supported by retailers.

  1. Great topic, which hopefully will have an impact on all of us. I believe that sustainability should drive the world! You could also explore the topic about how companies do greenwashing for the sake of having a better position in the marketing .

  2. I agree with the points you’re making. If the companies (especially big ones) could do their part a bit more, I think it would be way easier for many of us to move towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

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