What Stress did to my Skin and how I am dealing with it.

By now everybody has probably heard this at least once. The skin is the biggest organ of our body. In an earlier post I have explained how stress affects our health and what side effects this might lead to. What I completely left out was the effect on our skin, with which I have sadly have tons of experience with.

The vicious circle of breakouts

Some of you might have experienced the same situation I find myself all the time: I am super stressed and, to make it even worse, my skin decides to break out. And then I am also stressing about my skin, which as a result decides to break out even more.

Science has not yet found a definite reason for that to happen, but a study conducted by the University of Stanford found out that students actually tend to break out more when the exam period is coming up. Yeah, so not looking forward for that to happen.

The scientists assume that skin gets worse as stress causes our bodies to produce certain hormones that lead to an increased sebum production.

My advice

So, as I am writing that blog, you are right by assuming that my skin is currently not exactly the best. It is actually the worst it as ever been. But I have some ways of dealing with it.

  1. Drink more water. Or tea. Or waterdrops infused water.
    I know, it’s super hard for me too to drink enough throughout the day. But I’ve found my ways of tricking myself. I love adding sugarfree dissolving tabs into my water, drink loads of tea and always carry a bottle of water with me, so I don’t forget to drink. You can see my favorite products in relation to drinking in the Gif below (and almonds, because I am addicted to them).
  1. Get enough rest so your skin has time to heal. Go to bed early, put your phone away and get the rest your body asks for.
  2. Eat clever. Lots of sugar, fat and gluten are not good for most people’s skin.
    In addition, it makes it harder for you to focus, which is especially not good in exam period.
  3. Keep your hand off your face and stop picking your skin. I SEE YOU! DON’T!
    Also, clean your phone every once in a while. It spends a lot of time near your face, and in your purse and on tables, that dozen of people have touched before and… Do you really want me to continue?
  1. Last but not least – don’t overdo it with your skincare routine. Over-treating my skin and exfoliating on a daily basis has made my skin even worse. So I stick to the very basic products and treat my skin to a good mask or exfoliation every week or two. That has proven to be more than enough. You can see my favorite products in the Gif below.

Most important you of course have to find a way to deal with the stress. If you do not believe me have you ever noticed that your skin somehow gets much better when you are on vacation? Coincidence? – I think not.

In my other posts you can find different ways of how I deal with stress. Do you have any ideas you would like me to try out? Or tips for my skin? Let me know in the comments below or on my Instagram.


Studying, working, sports and life overall can be very stressful. Follow me on my journey to a more relaxed life.

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One thought on “What Stress did to my Skin and how I am dealing with it.

  1. Interesting to see that also other people deal with skin issues, when under stress. What I find very helpful is adding levander oil on my pillowcase. I think the smell helps me relax. ?

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