That’s what Friends are for – quickest Stress Reliever in the world.

During the past few weeks I have been showing you some ways of how I deal with stress. But whilst doing so I forget to bring up the fastest, most obvious and probably even most helpful stress reliever.

Just talk about it

I have realized that some things I stress about appear random to other people. Even though that might come off like those problems might not be taken seriously by them, talking to them is exactly what helps.

Let me give you an example: I hate the thought of not having things in my control. That happens especially during the time that I am waiting for exam results. I get super anxious about the idea that I might have failed. When approaching someone close to me, the only answer I got was “So what? Of course, it’s not ideal, but what is the worst situation that can happen? You have to retake the test and study even more beforehand and then you are going to pass. And if you fail the second time, that is when we can start worrying.”

Other perspectives

Hearing another, probably more rational perspective about something you are stressing about can help to get your focus off of the worst-case situation and into a more realistic perspective.

And do not worry about not wanting to bother friends or family with things that are on your mind or stressing you out, because they are stressed as well (talking about you – exam period!). A study actually found out that people feel more empathy when they are stressed. People actually tend to be more helpful or generous when they are stressed. So talking to someone who is equally or even more stressed than you can turn into a big benefit for both of you.


Sometimes it might turn out that the things that appear dramatic are not that bad after all. And sometimes it needs another person to give you a reality check in order for you to realize that.


Now tell me: who do you like to talk to when feeling stressed? Let me know on my Instagram or in the comments below.

P.S.: On the picture you can see my best friend Stella and I, who I can always talk to when there is something on my mind. Thank you ?


Studying, working, sports and life overall can be very stressful. Follow me on my journey to a more relaxed life.

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