Diabetes “the Silent Killer”

Once upon a time, I believed diabetes was only related to obesity, but now I know better. I used to be very diligent about what I ate and how frequently I exercised, but I must admit that I have fallen behind in both areas. Also, …

3 Tipps, wie du von deinem Alltag abschalten kannst

Das Handy klingelt, E-Mails von der Schule oder dem Job treffen ein und Erinnerungen auf dem Handy leuchten auf – und das noch an einem freien Tag. Wie oft hast du dir schon einen Tag frei genommen und dann doch x-Sachen erledigt? In meinem heutigen …

Keep calm and start knitting.

Remember this blog post? I was telling you how knitting helps me disrupt from my busy schedule, distress and make time for myself. Well, as I keep writing this blog, I realize that this is so true. And I also realize that a lot of …

Move your Stress away.

Let me be real. Even though I am really ambitious, I am also a really lazy person at the same time. For projects, I am always most efficient at very last-minute notice. And for physical activity, that’s a word I have not used in a …