Looking for an accommodation in Switzerland

Let’s talk about finding a roof over your head.

First, prepare yourself it will be rather costly.

Depend on the canton (the region) and neighborhood the monthly rent could be:

  1. room in a shared flat – 400-1000 Fr.
  2. Studio – 800-1400 Fr.
  3. one-bedroom – 1200-2500 Fr.
  4. a little house – 4000-6000 Fr.
  5. a castle – over 15000 Fr.

But don’t panic! Once you find a job here the prices won’t seem so unrealistic.

Actually, the process of searching for an accommodation in Switzerland in many ways reminds a process of searching for a job.  In order to sign the papers for the apartment of your dream you need to do your best to stand out among other applicants.

Basically, searching process in Switzerland can be described by two main stages:

  1. Online application. It is always better to contact the person directly. Usually that means that you have apply by sending your CV and cover letter (ideally with your lovely photos) where you need to stay why you’re the perfect candidate for this accommodation. Plus a nice recommendation from your previous landlord would definitely give you extra points. In other words, you need to show your future lessor that you’re responsible, intelligent and won’t make noise after 22:00.
  2. Interview with a potential lessor. The tricky part is that you never know, when you’ll be invited for an interview: it can happen on next day or in two weeks. Be patient and ready for any scenarios.

However, I would recommend you to start searching for an accommodation 2 or 3 months in advance. Usually, more housing options are available in July-August and in January-February.

I discovered few very helpful sites for you to look at:

https://www.wgzimmer.ch – this site will be really helpful if you’re planning to search for a shared flat or a room in a student residence.




www.bekeys.ch – these four sites will be useful if you’re searching for a flat, house or little castle.

And of course, it wouldn’t hurt to check Facebook. That’s how I found my current accommodation 🙂

I hope this information was helpful for you. And now you’ll definetely find your “sweet home” in Switzerland!

Olga Zhukova

I'm here to walk you throughout my experience and share with you some tips about moving to Switzerland.

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2 thoughts on “Looking for an accommodation in Switzerland

    1. Of course! Any proof that you are nice, responsible and decent person will be helpful. Just make sure that it is written in one of the official languages (French, German, Italian) or english 🙂

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