Eco-tourism in Brazil: Jalapão

Well, Jalapão, or rather Jalapão State Park, is located in eastern Tocantins and has a total area of 34,000 square kilometers – it is land that never ends. With incomparable natural beauty, Jalapão is located in the heart of Tocantins. Here’s how to get to …

Eco-tourism in Brazil: Fernando de Noronha

Fernando de Noronha is a very well kept and organized island, with breathtaking landscapes and a crystal blue sea. Not to mention the island’s good vibe: friendly and welcoming people, delicious restaurants, and movie-like sunsets! In this post you will read the main tips for …

Eco-tourism in Brazil: Pantanal

Ok, are you prepared for that!? We are talking about the largest floodplain in the world, in the west part of oBrazil. It is there that life explodes in natural colors. Beautiful forests, rivers, lakes, an abundant and wild fauna. The Pantanal attracts tourists from …

Corporate Events planen: Dienstleistungsqualität at it’s finest

Entscheidungen treffen leicht gemacht! Fällt es dir schwer im Venue-Dschungel die richtige Location auszuwählen? Oder findest du die vagen Unterschiede nicht? Hast du Angst die falsche Entscheidung zu treffen? Da können wir Abhilfe schaffen. Wir zeigen dir nämlich, warum und wieso du dich beim nächsten …

? Cheap, rather than wasted, bakery products

Find out more about the pioneering shop in the fight against food waste.   What is Äss bar all about?   FOTO- FRISCH VON GESTERN   Have you ever wondered what happens to the products left on bakeries’ shelves when they close?   Äss bar and its anti-food-waste concept prevent food waste from nearby partner…

Corporate Events planen: How to Deko? Karl zeigt dir wie!

Du stehst vor der grossen Herausforderung einen Corporate Event atmosphärisch aufzuwerten? Oder musst dir ein Dekorationskonzept für einen Mitarbeiterevent ausdenken? Oder sollst sogar selbst Hand anlegen? Huch, schlimme Sache. Keine Panik, wir greifen dir unter die Arme und stellen dir Karl Erdmann vor, der Dekorations-Profi …

Options against food waste ? **PART 2**

Are you prepared to discover more about alternative opportunities for food shopping in Switzerland? As promised, here are more options that allow you to be greener and save a bit of money ? Secend     It is an online shop that helps you save food directly to your home at reduced prices. There are…