AWAS-Portraits of Afghan Women: Continuing the Journey

Dear readers, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support, comments, likes, and shares of my blog. It has been a truly wonderful experience for me to meet so many inspiring women who have integrated into Switzerland and have success stories to share. I have always been deeply inspired by the success…

AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Mahnaz Shahid

Thirty years ago, Mahnaz Shahid´s family took the courageous step of moving to Switzerland when she was just 8 years old. Alongside her family, she fled her homeland and made a stopover in Vietnam. Her father, a diplomat, had to travel to Vietnam for work, and the family decided to accompany him. Initially, their plan…

Ein letzter Blick zurück Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, mit einem Gefühl von Wehmut verfasse ich heute meinen letzten Blogbeitrag und möchte gerne noch einige spannende Gedanken mit euch teilen. Die Erfahrung hat mir unglaublich viel Freude bereitet. Im Rahmen meines Studiums an der Hochschule Luzern durfte ich diese …

Life with Type 1 Diabetes

“I didn’t have the freedom to do whatever I want” In the engaging video “Life with Type 1 Diabetes,” meet George Stark, a 33-year-old manager for insulin pump companies. Through his personal experiences and expertise, George provides valuable insights into the challenge and living with …

Workation im Walliser Bergparadies

Wie könnte ich meine Workation-Blogreihe wohl am besten abschliessen? Mit einer Workation natürlich! ? Und wo lieber als in der atemberaubenden Aletsch Arena im schönen Wallis?!  «Ah was, du kommst aus dem Wallis?! Ich gehe jedes Jahr auf die Bettmeralp in die Skiferien!», so reagieren …