Being on a budget – affordable accommodation
After reading my previous posts you might have an idea of how to get to the destinations the cheapest way possible, but what about budget options for accommodation?
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After reading my previous posts you might have an idea of how to get to the destinations the cheapest way possible, but what about budget options for accommodation?
For me the word travelling brings an image of a plane to my mind. Maybe because travelling from Finland, where I’m from, usually happens by plane. But after moving to Switzerland, I have realized there are other ways of getting to holidays.
In my previous posts I have gathered some tips about booking flights. Now I want to slow things down a bit and go back to basics. Why do I love travelling so much and why am I writing about it?
Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’ve mentioned this before, but if it was up to me, I’d be constantly travelling. While other people my age might be doing something productive on their spare time, I sit in front of my computer and look for flight …