The most famous mountain hut in the world

The Äscher mountain hut is located in the canton of Appenzell, in the Schwende district. This picture-perfect inn has existed since 1846, making it one of the oldest mountain huts in Switzerland. The current structure was initially erected in 1860 as a rock shelter for …

Make-up mit gutem Gewissen, geht das? – Top 5 Brands

Foundation, Mascara, Lippenstift und Co. sind unsere Retter in der Not bei müder Erscheinung, Rötungen oder Unreinheiten. Wir schminken uns fast täglich, da ist es umso wichtiger, dass wir darauf achten, welches Make-Up wir an unsere Haut lassen. Möchtest du auch deine natürliche Schönheit mit …

SUP – 5 Tips for Stand Up Paddling

In my latest video I have outlined 5 tips that I think will be helpful for those stepping into the world of SUP. I hope these will be helpful to any of you out there new to this sport.   If you are …

SUP – Stand Up Paddleboard

Stand up Paddle (or SUP) is a watersport, where riders stand on the large board and use a paddle to propel themselves through the water. Stand-up paddleboarding emerged as a surfboard alternative. Older surfers at the end of their surf-career found that they could prolong …

Mountain Biking – Switzerland’s Bike Kingdom

Switzerland is country known for its majestic alps and vast mountain ranges. These offer a wide selection of activities for nature lovers and hobbyist to enjoy. One of these activities, which has been growing in popularity, is the sport of mountain biking. As a country …