Cultural association of colours in Marketing

Colours are always associated with different emotions and moods. Many factors influence people and what makes them prefer one brand over another. Yes, subjectivity certainly plays an important role, but there is more: every company must consider not only personal preferences, but also and above …

Colour psychology in websites

The success of a website is influenced by many factors. Among these, colours play a key role: if used in a smart way, they can make the user navigation smoother and more pleasant, and they can let the visitor stay longer – and even make …

Interrogating the brain itself. -Part 1 fMRI- Brain Scans In Neuromarketing

Why neuromarketing utilizes brain scans? In neuromarketing or consumer neuroscience, brain activity can be monitored and measured using state-of-the-art neuroimaging techniques to record metabolic activity or electrical activity, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) respectively.  To observe changes in brain …

So nutze ich HubSpot in meinem Arbeitsalltag.

Funktionen über Funktionen. HubSpot kann vieles und gerade deshalb verliert man leicht den Überblick. In diesem Beitrag möchte ich zeigen, wie ich HubSpot bei der Arbeit verwende und wobei mich HubSpot tagtäglich unterstützt. 1 – Mails schreiben Mein Unternehmen arbeitet mit Google Workspace. Für die, …

Colour psychology in Email marketing

When preparing an email, we tend to focus a lot on the text, often neglecting the importance of good visual elements, which are basically what captures the reader’s attention once the email is opened. Among these visual elements, colour is the most significant attribute, which …

Sweet sweet memories at FemUnity…

Hey you, welcome back to my blog for another “informal info session” about FemUnity. In the first article, I presented you the starting point and how far we’ve gotten in the meantime. But you might now ask yourself, “Alright, cool project but what has been …