Die Suche nach dem perfekten Podcast Thema

Hallo liebe angehende Podcasterinnen und Podcaster! ?? In diesem Blogbeitrag dreht sich alles um die Suche nach dem perfekten Thema für euren Podcast. Du hast schon oft darüber nachgedacht, deinen eigenen Podcast zu starten, aber du weisst nicht genau, welches Thema du wählen sollst? Keine …

Eco-tourism in Brazil- Amazonia ASMR

I was thinking what should I writte about Amazon rainforest. But I believe I dont need explain the general details because I know – actually I really hope so!- that all or most of the people know the importancy of this ecosystem.   As a …

Eco-tourism in Brazil: Jalapão

Well, Jalapão, or rather Jalapão State Park, is located in eastern Tocantins and has a total area of 34,000 square kilometers – it is land that never ends. With incomparable natural beauty, Jalapão is located in the heart of Tocantins. Here’s how to get to …