Should we worry about ethics when editing?

Thanks to Luca Kramis from and for talking to me about the ethics of editing. In Photography, Poetry or even in coaching! What do you think? Leave a comment, tell me if you think about editing what you do and when does editing …

But first, let me take a selfie!

I haven’t expected that it would be quite difficult to create this post, just because I haven’t taken selfies for a long time already! Anyway! Good news that I’ve found my selfie and ready to show you how I’ve edited it. Et…voilà!


*Craftainability: the art of creating sustainable crafts. At this point, I think it would be a good idea to show you what kind of knitted or crocheted products I personally use. These handcrafted products have a long-lasting life, if you treat them with love and …

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch is actually a term used to describe social groups that gather around and knit, crochet or sew. The first time I heard about this term was when I moved to Switzerland, 3 years ago. The group was based in Geneva, like myself …

Ofengemüse mit Cantadou Champignon

Mama hat immer gesagt: «Iss dein Gemüse!», aber ganz ehrlich dieses super gesunde gedämpfte Gemüse schmeckt einfach nur fade. In meiner Zeit in Fribourg, habe ich das Gemüse neu für mich entdeckt, und zwar in Form von Ofengemüse. Dieses Gericht stand bei uns in der …

Make Your Idea Happen

We are masters of lying to ourselves when it comes to making our dreams happen. Most everybody has an aspiration or an idea that is not directly tangent to the professional path they chose. How often do we make them happen? Even the ones we …