TOP-4 places for hiking Instagram photos

Go outside and tell everyone your story… Today you take your smartphone with you, share your experiences and inspire each other with photo hikes. Unfortunately, the most beautiful hikes are also usually the most crowded spots. But there are thousands of hiking trails and many …

Keep the mountains clean – hiking with benefits

The very nature of hiking makes it a very ecological-friendly activity already. You just need to have proper equipment, choose a trail and move forward. Hiking teaches us to live on less, make do with whatever we packed, appreciate water and natural resources around. But …

Hiking challenge – wanna join?

Have you ever heart about 26 Summits challenge? My friend told me about this initiative in early spring and I immediately decided to join. So, I believe you will do the same after my brief explanation. Well, personally I like challenges, because they motivate you …

Ultimativer Ausflugstipp: Interlaken

Hast du wieder Wanderlust nach dieser langen Winterpause? Dann bist du hier auf jeden Fall richtig… Die Wandersaison ist eröffnet! Auf vielen Wanderrouten liegt zwar noch etwas Schnee, dass muss dich aber nicht davon abhalten einen aufregenden Hike zu machen. Ich habe letztes Wochenende meine …

TOP 5 things to take for a day hike

Planning to go for a day hike? Don’t leave without these day hike essentials! Day hiking is an awesome possibility to spend time outdoors. It’s the best way to explore a new place, to feel new positive emotions, and to recharge the batteries. Preparations for …

Hiking community: myth or reality?

Have you ever thought about starting an activity while being a member of a group? Or do you prefer to travel on your own? Even though both options have their pros and cons, in this post I will tell you about the advantages of joining …