Self Care Buchempfehlungen – Lesen inspiriert

Voltaire hat einmal gesagt: «Lesen stärkt die Seele». Belesen zu sein, ist etwas Schönes. Es eröffnet uns neue Perspektiven und lässt uns wachsen. Selbstverwirklichung und Wachstum der eigenen Person ist etwas Fundamentales, was uns glücklich macht und uns reifen lässt. So behaupte ich: Lesen gehört …

The perfect podcast: Key Figures

Hello readers, I hope you are all safe at home. Here I am with the third blog post about the perfect podcast. I hope you are ready because I have prepared a special post today: a video! Yes, I have created a video about the …

Бизнес Онлайн: как продавать товары на Амазон

На сегодняшний день, Амазон является одной из самых популярных площадок для электронной торговли, или, проще говоря, одним из самых популярных онлайн-магазинов в США, Канаде, и Европе. В этой статье я более детально расскажу о том, как можно выйти на эти рынки посредством продажи и продвижения …

Smart Home Tech: 4 Great Advantages!

Whether you have a forgetful mind or your lifestyle is going at 200km/h, a smart home is a great tool to live a life of ease!  Join me to discover the best smart home tech available out there. First, let’s explore 4 advantages of a …

Who Dares Ask Shall Receive Help

Hello OBM! The memories of Quarten are fading and the exam phase has arrived. We have received the brief for the presentation and the kind hint that we will be questioned regarding a potential future of our ideas. If the thought of continuing the project …

Vacuum Under the Ocean

You were hoping for one more poem on this blog? Worry not! This one goes a little deeper – physically. It was originally published here. A life entails Many a journey Many, many trips Lots are boring Some are quite fun Others painful One …