Rainbow-Washing: Explained

June is just around the corner! You know what that means, hopefully: Pride Month! ? Of course, this also means lots of rainbows everywhere. And I really mean everywhere. For a while now, an increasing number of brands have turned their brand logos into rainbow versions …

How to Deal With Anti-LGBT Backlash

You’ve seen why your business needs LGBT-Marketing. You’ve learned about some of the most important dos and don’ts, and you now know why some companies have failed hard or won big with LGBT ad campaigns. Now, it’s time to talk about backlash. The sad truth …

LGBT-Marketing: Best Practices

In the last post, I’ve talked to you about some of the worst practices in LGBT-Marketing, and, let me tell you it was surprisingly hard to find those. Finding the great ones was much easier – I even had to leave some out! Here are …

LGBT-Marketing: Worst Practices

In the last post, I talked about some dos and don’ts of LGBT-marketing. To make these points more identifiable, I want to show you some examples of past LGBT ad campaigns that have failed hard. Stay tuned for a post about the winners up soon! …

The Dos and Don’ts of LGBT Marketing

Establishing LGBT diversity in advertisement not only helps your business create a deeper connection to its customer base but it also reaffirms the LGBT community’s sense of having a place in society and being “seen”. Before you get started with your inclusive ad campaign, though, …

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs LGBT-Marketing

With trust in large corporations, the government and the press fading, consumers are increasingly looking to brands to take a progressive stand on the issues they care about. Millennials, in particular, want to put their money where their mouth is and deal with companies that …

Who Dares Ask Shall Receive Help

Hello OBM! The memories of Quarten are fading and the exam phase has arrived. We have received the brief for the presentation and the kind hint that we will be questioned regarding a potential future of our ideas. If the thought of continuing the project …

Audioblog – my New Old Blog Post!

Hi there! I’m happy to share my latest experiment. Who reads long blog posts anymore? Plenty of people do, plenty don’t. I want to serve both of you! That’s why I will henceforth make all written content available on audio as well. I am happy …