Let’s Get Serious: 6 Digital Marketing Strategies

It’s important that you strive to create an online footprint for your brand if you want to succeed in today’s competitive digital marketplace. Remember this simple fact: Google and Facebook make more profits than any other conventional advertising company because they have more eyeballs. This …

«Alles Schlechte hat etwas Gutes!» – auch zu Zeiten von Covid-19?

Ein Zitat von Jon Cohens, welches zum Thema dieses Blogposts kaum zutreffender sein könnte. Die Covid-19 Pandemie erreichte im Februar 2020 die Schweiz (Bundesamt für Gesundheit, 2020), seither hat sich unser Leben massgeblich verändert: soziale Kontakte sind eingeschränkt, Reisen verboten, Veranstaltungen abgesagt, Läden mussten schliessen und es gilt eine Homeoffice Pflicht. Was ist nun das…

Instagram Reels für KMU: Wieso Sie jetzt starten sollten!

Im Juni 2020 kündigte Instagram ihr neues Videoformat Reels an. Reels bietet den Nutzern die Möglichkeit, kurze Videos auf Instagram zu kreieren und zu teilen. In meinen Blogbeiträgen werde ich Ihnen veranschaulichen, wieso Ihr Unternehmen das neue Videoformat in Ihrer Social-Media-Strategie implementieren sollten und wie …

Sustainable Fashion

Fashion is more than clothing it is a lifestyle for some, exclusively me, as an author of this blog. Although, clothing assists with expression of personality and individuality; means of social communication; cultural meaning; economic status and of course enhancement of the person. Upon a …

Top Street Styles from Micro-Fashion Influencers

Scrolling your Instagram feed you perhaps noticed that accounts with millions followers are getting less engagement than thousands of micro- influencers who are making a substantial effect on their niche. Since you have heard a lot about them on my blogs, I have seen that …

The newest social hack – Instagram Pods

In my previous blog post I was talking about Errors- in our case bots, so in this post I am going to introduce you to the newest Instagram hack entitled as Pods. And, we have already seen that building organic followers is not that easy …

Benefits of Networking for Business

Why you should network (in general): Introduce your business and offerings Don’t expect that the world will eventually know about your business. To increase the visitors on your website or social media accounts, you first have to show people that your business exists. And YOU …