01. The Art Of Getting Lost

I’m writing because I can’t talk. It’s totally against my will! And just to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with my vocal cords. I mean I can’t currently talk because my throat is as dry as the desert I’m seeing from above. This is the …

Chicken • Mango • Curry

Mit Curry lassen sich vielerlei Köstlichkeiten herzaubern. Eins meiner Lieblingsrezepte stammt aus Indien: Hähnchen-Mango-Curryreis. Fruchtig und scharf zugleich. Lasst es euch schmecken!

Podcast: Backpacker Tales Episode 2

It’s time for the second episode of Backpacker Tales. This time I talked to Markus, a travel enthusiast who has done several backpacking trips in Asia. Listen to what he has to say about his experiences and tips for those planning to go backpacking below. …