Sensing the Invisible: Diabetic Alert Dogs

Did you know that dogs can go beyond being just our faithful friends? Dogs have long been hailed as man’s best friend, offering companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love. Their ability to understand our emotions and provide support during difficult times is unparalleled. My girlfriend and …

Setting Sail into the One Piece TCG World

Setting Sail into the One Piece TCG World Welcome to the grand world of One Piece Trading Card Game (TCG) – a realm where the excitement of the iconic manga and anime series is brought to life with the strategic thrill of card games. Whether …

Interview with Enhance-d

In a recent interview with Fabio Saviozzi, Co-Founder & CCO of Enhance-d, a promising start-up, we delved into their solutions for diabetes management. Saviozzi provided insights into the company’s mission, innovative technologies, and the impact they aim to make in improving the lives of people …

Interview mit Meditationslehrerin Carmen Röösli

Schon sind wir bei meinem letzten Blog meiner Blogreihe “Meditation für Anfänger” angekommen. Und wie so oft kommt das Beste zum Schluss: Für meinen letzten Blogbeitrag habe ich nämlich ein Interview mit Carmen Röösli – Coach und Meditations und Achtsamkeitslehrerin aus Luzern – für euch. …

Unleashing the Power of Community

TCG Game Nights at Engaging in Trading Card Games (TCGs) transcends beyond simple gameplay – it’s about building a community, sharing strategies, and forming lasting friendships. That’s why we host game nights every Thursday through Sunday, providing a platform for our growing community of …