The Beauty of Make Up

Whenever I feel stressed or tired or even get mad with someone I tend to do things that I like the most and usually I find myself watching makeup tutorials, looking for new beauty products or even experiment on my face or my friends faces …

Foraging: a road to rediscovery of edible plants

What is foraging? It’s about looking for edible plants, cooking and preserving them and creating awareness on our natural environment. Foraging is not a new trend, it has been a necessity for humans and it slowly got lost. It’s rather a rediscovery. Nevertheless, there are …

Wie gut kennst du deinen Hund wirklich?

Hallo Tierfreunde! Wart Ihr Heute schon an der frischen Luft währendem eurer Vierbeiner fröhlich neben Euch her gewatschelt ist? Schon einen feuchten Nasenstupser bekommen oder seit ihr schon mit strahlenden freudigen Glubschaugen angeschaut worden? Haach.. Hunde sind und bleiben nun mal die besten Freunde des …

Teure Fotokamera? Denkste! – mit dem Smartphone smart fotografiert

Momentaufnahmen, Landschaftsfotografien, Portraits oder auch Makroaufnahmen. Das ist Fotografie. Und dabei immer das Auge fürs Detail haben, ja richtiggehend den Sinn für das Schöne und Vergängliche entwickeln. Das nenn’ ich Leben. Zugegeben: Auch wenn ich das Fotografieren nur hobbymässig und (bis jetzt!) eher halbprofessionell betrieben …

“NEWBORN”- The emotional Monument of Kosovo

February 17nth, 2008 is the day which signifies Kosovo’s Independence from Serbia. Among other ways to portray such a celebration, Fisnik Ismajli designed the sculpture “NEWBORN” which now serves as a touristic attraction and a way of learning more about Kosovo’s endeavor towards its independence. …

IDEA FACTORY: How to navigate creative block

Have you Had this conversation?: you: I have a Creative block! friend: Don’t worry it will come to you! you: Yeah? How? friend: It just happens! Well done if you didn’t throw your shoe at them! AND HERE YOU ARE! (GOOD CHOICE) IDEA Factory R&D for the …

Editing pictures, what does actually make sense?

“Outstanding photography is the depth of feeling, not the depth of sharpening,” Peter Adams. If you know anything about Adobe Photoshop, then congratulations. Probably this blog is not for you, my majesty. However, most people have their accounts full of bad quality pictures with no …