Is your company’s website/app 100% effective?

Given the current COVID-19 situation, people are spending more time online. For businesses, it is increasingly important to have effective online touchpoints with the customers under this situation. I assume that your company already has some interfaces such as a website or an app. BUT. …

Ask a Cyber-Security Specialist Part II

Here is the part II of Ask a Cyber-Security Specialist. There was a lot of information that needed to be shared and it was too long to be on one video. Enjoy! Click here to watch part I

How can we develop a Zero Waste mindset?

We know we need to save the environment but why don’t we enforce it on ourselves more? When an outbreak occurs, we try to plan and organize how to save every penny and be prepared. However, why don’t we plan more about how we can …

Das Veranstalten in Clubs – Im Gespräch mit Alain

Sali liebi Leserinnen und Leser In der heutigen Ausgabe meines Blogs geht es um das Veranstalten in Club-Lo   cations. Um das Ganze etwas spannender zu gestalten spreche ich mit Alain, einer der erfolgreichsten Clubveranstalter im Raum Basel. Mit seinem Label Absolute Techno gewann er …

10 Tipps für mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Haushalt – Teil 2

Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser, wie bereits in meinem letzten Blogpost befinden wir uns immer noch in unserer Wohnung. Heute liegt allerdings der Fokus auf der Reduktion von Abfall und Plastikmüll im Haushalt – umgangssprachlich auch als Zero Waste bekannt. Falls ihr euch fragt, weshalb …

Top 7 Technologies in Real Estate sphere

VR-technology In Real Estate not only a 360 degree VR video is used, but also the integration of VR into a real apartment. In the first case, it is more about a kind of additional advertising material, for example, in the form of presentation of …

Social Engineering: What To Watch Out For

WHAT IS SOCIAL ENGINEERING Social engineering has been misinterpreted by many people, that has led a lot of people thinking that it is just scam and try to steal something trivial. Some may refer to it as a scheme used by criminals or con artists. …