How to save money in Switzerland

Switzerland is a very expensive country, but there are always some ways?. So, today I want to give some small tips how you can save some money in Switzerland.
1. Food. ?There are shops like Lidl and Aldi, where food prices are much lower than in coop and migros. Also, after lunch time and after 7pm most of the supermarkets do reduction for fresh product like meat, vegetables and etc.  At the same time, it is very profitable to buy vegetables and fruits in Turkish stores.
2. Restaurants. ?There is an application TooGoodToGo, where at a certain time you can buy lunch or dinner at a price cut in half (and sometimes in three times).
3. Student’s discount . ?For students, discounts are available everywhere (the main thing is not to forget the student card). Starting from opera tickets for 20 francs, ending with the fact that in restaurants, upon presentation of a student card, you can get a 20-30% discount. Yes, and yesterday, by the way, I bought GA for a year (a subscription throughout Switzerland) for students at half the price of an “adult”.
4. Clothes. Twice a year you can just wait for a 70% discount (end of January and end of July) and buy branded clothes at Zara’s price.
Do you have any own tricks for money saving ? What kind of spending upsets you the most in Switzerland?


marti daria

Hey! I am living in Switzerland 5 years, I have experienced studying here, changed few jobs already and in my free time I travel and share some travel stories with you or tell you some tipes about Switzerland))

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One thought on “How to save money in Switzerland

  1. Hello Daria, thank you for the good tips- I have one question: can you please explain what is a GA? Thank you.

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