Tips on making your Business more ‘Green’ and Environmentally Friendly

Let’s be real, sustainability has been a huge buzzword, especially for businesses and our daily lives. With consumers and people like ourselves are seeking for more ethical and eco-friendly products. The trouble is that many companies aren’t being as transparent as they should be. We need to be sustainable consumers and view the impacts on the environment before we do or buy something. Involving the economy to promote things that are good and beneficial versus downgrading our environment. We must focus on good brands and knowing that businesses are actually doing good for the environment and being eco-friendly while doing it. Here are some topics I think it is important to have in going green and sustainable in a business.

1. Avoid Paper

By going digital, you reduce paper wastage and save trees. Encouraging employees to keep digital files on the cloud or external drive, communicate through messages, and distribute documents via email or online sources. If needed to sign contracts and documents, using DocuSign is a really useful tool. Skip paper completely, but if you need to print, use recycled paper. By implementing a recycling program in the office can reduce trash costs and paper wastage. Keep the desk space tidy, avoid paper clutter, and do not fill the trash bin too quickly.

2. Eco Packaging

When shopping online, we often forget that when ordering new clothes or high-tech products, packaging is the main source of large amounts of solid waste in the world. Look for brands that care for the environment not only in their product but in their packaging. Incorporating a green packaging solution like using recyclable or biodegradable materials instead of plastic.

3.  Working Conditions

Engage your employees’ participation and what they think about the green initiative and having a green image. Determine your green vision and plan how to achieve this goal. Employees are critical to implementing these plans, which is why it is important to rely on them and understand the direction you and the company are talking about. It takes time to have green and sustainable development results in a business, and only employees who aim for this goal can achieve it.

4. Green Culture

Consumers are increasingly interested in safe, non-toxic and green products. People are more and more aware of their choices and are willing to invest more money in products to participate in this movement and protect their future. Companies differ in how or why they participate in a more sustainable way. Regardless of size, inventing an environmentally friendly product, giving back to society or reducing unnecessary waste, all companies should do better every day. A company’s corporate social responsibility statement often includes their involvement in environmental sustainability. However, some companies’ statements are vague and are not honest enough about how much they are really doing. It is important that companies should begin to encourage a green corporate culture in the workplace. Improving their business day by day and how they can make their business more green.

5. Avoid Greenwashing 

Honesty is a huge factor when buying and promoting a product. If your company or product is not 100% green, just admit it. Acknowledge the areas of your product or business that are not yet green and try to work on it. Keeping it transparent about your company and business practices makes it easy for customers and the society about being honest. Companies that are true in being eco-friendly have more customer satisfaction and recognition for their brands. B corporations are highly valued and show they are doing more good with their business. Consumers are noticing the growth in ‘B Corporations’. Those who don’t know what B Corporations are, it is a company that focuses more on purpose than profit and making initiative to business the right way. They are judged carefully in an analysis that measures their impact on the environment. From the products they create and the resources they use to community participation, all factors are what makes them certified B Corporation. Climate change requires companies to increase transparency and avoid companies selling bad products and greenwashing the consumers. Avoid falling for the greenwashing advertising where a product may have some green qualities but the company is actually dirty in the making process. Just because it may say “organic” or some other fancy buzzword, you must really look into the product’s ingredients or the history of the brand. We must educate and encourage the society that eco-friendly products are the way to go and they are out there if you just do your research. Make an effort in adopting green eco-friendly products and living a healthier and more sustainable future. 

Check out my other blogs if you haven’t already read them! More topics about reducing waste and being more aware of our carbon footprint and how we can make a difference to the environment.

How to have a more Eco-friendly Summer

How ‘Green Technology’ can help reduce our carbon impact

Apps that can help you achieve a greener lifestyle 

How can we develop and Zero Waste mindset?

Sustainable Future: Why should we be watching our Water supply?

Simplify your Eating Habits: Waste Less

Less Waste More Living: Future of Recycling

Zero-Waste Movement: Why companies should be Recycling?

Victoria Zaitsev

I strongly believe that kindness is important to one another by making the world a better place. We should cherish the environment and leave a small impact on the place we call home. As I am learning about eco-friendly companies and how they incorporate the use of recycling on a daily basis and sharing with you what I think is most crucial towards going Green and the future of business.

View all posts by Victoria Zaitsev →

5 thoughts on “Tips on making your Business more ‘Green’ and Environmentally Friendly

  1. Another good idea is to avoid PET bottles. That’s what we do at work. Everyone has their own bottle (provided by the company) with their name which is washable and refillable ??

    1. That is a great idea! It has the right mindset of thinking green and not being wasteful!

  2. Hi Victoria! Another fantastic blog entry!! I was just going to say, avoiding bottled water and plastic bottles in general is a must! I try to bring my own cup to Starbucks and refill my water bottle as much as possible, especially on city trips!

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