Monstera Deliciosa with text on image "Monstera Deliciosa Myths & Hacks" and "What really works?"

Monstera Deliciosa Myths and Hacks: Key Questions Answered on What Works, What Does Not, and Surprising Truths

Ever wondered which Monstera Deliciosa tips really work and which are merely myths? In this blog post, we will tackle popular myths and hacks about Monstera Deliciosa care. Join me as I answer the most pressing questions, separating fact from fiction. Discover practical, proven tips that will help your Monstera thrive.

In this blog post, we will look at the following questions:

  • Does putting aerial roots into water increase the growth of your Monstera Deliciosa?
  • How can I get my Monstera Deliciosa to grow larger?
  • What are the benefits of rotating my Monstera Deliciosa regularly?
  • Is it necessary to trim the aerial roots of my Monstera Deliciosa?
  • Does a larger pot always mean better growth for Monstera Deliciosa?
  • How can I encourage my Monstera to develop more holes in its leaves?

To learn all the basic care tips for your Monstera Deliciosa, download my FREE Beginner’s Guide to Monstera Deliciosa Care here.

Does putting aerial roots into water increase the growth of your Monstera Deliciosa?


You might have seen a TikTok tip saying that soaking the aerial roots of your Monstera in water makes it grow better. Let’s unpack the truth.

When you first put the aerial roots in water, it seems like the plant perks up. This happens because the roots absorb more water, making the plant look lush and full, much like pumping air into bike tires. This can be especially useful for big plants or in dry rooms. But, this boost does not last. Once you take the roots out of the water, your Monstera might sag or droop again. Keeping the roots in water all the time isn’t good for them and could cause them to rot.

In short, dipping the aerial roots in water now and then might help them stay hydrated, but it will not make your Monstera grow bigger over time. Instead, try spraying the roots with water or putting them back into the soil. These methods are safer and more effective for long-term health.

How can I get my Monstera Deliciosa to grow larger?

Monstera Deliciosa in front of white wallTo help your Monstera Deliciosa grow larger, ensure it receives the proper care tailored to its needs. Provide it with bright, indirect sunlight, as direct sunlight can scorch its leaves while too little light can stunt its growth. Water your Monstera when the top inch of soil feels dry—about once a week during warmer months and less during cooler months. Keep the plant in a warm environment, ideally between 16°C and 24°C, and protect it from cold drafts. High humidity is essential. If you cannot provide a naturally humid environment, regular misting will help. Learn more about these basic care needs from my comprehensive guide to basic Monstera care.

Additionally, regular fertilization is crucial for promoting healthy growth and larger size. I recommend using a liquid fertilizer during the active growing seasons of spring and summer, and switching to fertilizing pellets during the slower growth months. For more specific fertilizing tips, visit my detailed post on fertilizing your Monstera Deliciosa.

What are the benefits of rotating my Monstera Deliciosa regularly?

Rotating your Monstera Deliciosa regularly is crucial for its overall health and appearance. This simple action ensures that every part of the plant gets equal light, promoting even growth and preventing it from leaning towards the light source. Regular rotation helps your Monstera grow symmetrically, making it look fuller and more attractive. This not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also supports healthier and more vibrant growth.

Is it necessary to trim the aerial roots of my Monstera Deliciosa?

No, but you can.

Trimming the aerial roots of your Monstera Deliciosa is not essential, but it can be done for aesthetic reasons. These roots are naturally fast-growing and can become quite long and thick, contributing to a wild, jungle-like appearance that some plant owners love, while others might prefer a neater look. If you decide to trim the roots, use sterilized, sharp shears to cut them close to the stem. This helps maintain a sleek appearance without harming the plant. Keep in mind, though, that trimmed roots will regrow, so regular maintenance will be required.

Alternatively, you can manage the aerial roots by tucking them back into the potting soil instead of cutting them. This method allows the roots to continue absorbing nutrients and moisture, which can support the plant’s growth and stability. Training them around a moss pole or weaving them through a trellis can also keep your Monstera tidy while still benefiting from these robust roots. Just be careful during repotting, as the roots can become entangled and may need gentle handling to avoid damage.

I prefer not to cut the aerial roots of my Monstera Deliciosa, as I do not want to add any additional stress to the plant. Instead, I try to direct them back into the soil, helping them continue to support the plant’s growth naturally.

Does a larger pot always mean better growth for Monstera Deliciosa?


Not necessarily. While it might seem logical that a bigger pot would encourage more growth, overpotting can actually lead to problems such as waterlogging. When a pot is too large, the soil retains more moisture than the plant can use, which increases the risk of root rot. This condition can severely affect your Monstera’s health and hinder its growth. It is important to choose a pot that matches the size of the plant’s root system, allowing for just enough room to grow without excess soil that can retain unnecessary moisture.

How can I encourage my Monstera to develop more holes in its leaves?

Close up of Monstera Deliciosa holesFenestration, or the development of holes and splits in the leaves, is a highly desired trait in Monstera Deliciosa. These unique formations help the plant capture more sunlight and withstand tropical conditions in their natural home. To encourage more fenestration in your Monstera, providing the right light conditions is crucial. Place your plant in a spot with bright, indirect light, such as near an east- or south-facing window. If natural light is insufficient, consider using a grow light to supplement. More light exposure not only speeds up growth but also promotes earlier and more frequent fenestrations.

In addition to light, proper watering and soil conditions are essential. Early in the plant’s life, support its climbing nature with a moss pole, which can also help stimulate more mature, fenestrated leaf development. During the growing season, feed your Monstera monthly with a balanced houseplant fertilizer to boost its growth and vitality. With consistent care, your Monstera’s leaves will begin to display more of the characteristic holes that make it so visually appealing.

Get started on your Monstera Deliciosa care journey with my Beginner’s Guide to Monstera Deliciosa Care. Download it now and learn how to keep your plant happy and healthy!

Explore More About the Monstera Deliciosa

Also, check out all my other blog posts about Monstera Deliciosa for more insights and tips:

Why the Monstera Deliciosa is the Perfect Plant for Every Home.

How to keep your Monstera Deliciosa alive – basic care for your Monstera

Why your Monstera Deliciosa is dying and how to help.

Boost Your Monstera Deliciosa’s Growth: Simple Techniques for Healthier Plants

Monstera Deliciosa Repotting 101: When, Why, and How


  • Featured Image: Generated with AI (Midjourney)
  • Monstera: Jeremy Lee on Unsplash
  • Monstera Holes: Max Anderson on Unsplash


Part-time student, part-time social media manager, and always a plant enthusiast. When I'm not hitting the books or scrolling in the digital world, I like getting my hands dirty in the soil or my legs burning on my gravel bike. My green thumb isn't perfect, but my thriving Monstera Deliciosas might disagree.

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