THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: The secret to creating the life of your dreams.

One day, at 16 years old, at the library, I randomly came across a book called ”The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne.

The title really intrigued me and it was under the business books section.

I opened it up, and boy I didn’t know, my eyes popped and my heartbeat went to the roof.

Every word that I was reading was coming out of my heart.

I could feel my spirit living in my body.

And, I am not exaggerating this!

So basically, the book teaches you what the secret is: The Law of Attraction

Understanding that your ”thoughts become things”.

In the sense that whatever you think of will eventually become your reality.

And by mastering the secret, you can MAKE your reality.

So everything you want can become yours.

Now, I know you want the sauce right away, so instead of going around here is the answer:

Yes, it works.

Okay, you read it. Now calm down, and read as I explain to you why and how.

It worked for me and for so many others before me, and I hope it will work for you as well.

By reading books or listening to courses and by practicing you can master this.

I want this blog to be short and concise straight to the point.

So basically, there are laws that govern the universe. I will teach you some of them.

Just like the law of gravity; (no matter who and where) when something is thrown, it will fall.

The first law that you must learn is the law of vibration; which states that everything moves.

We may see our body or maybe a building standing, but molecules move all the time.

Even the smallest movement, which may be incomprehensible to our eyes, is still a movement.

We call this movement, a frequency.

So this term frequency is what we want to learn.

When something is moving and you have the same frequency, then you match! Here is how:

It ever happens to be thinking of someone and you get a call from them?

It ever happens to think of a pair of shoes or a perfume or whatever, and you see some random ads from that?

It ever happens to dream of a car and then you see it on the streets?

You see in this pic, this is ME on a flight worth 20.000 US dollars.


So now you know that everything moves and that if we are on that frequency we match.

But how do we intentionally choose our frequency so that we match with things we want?

Well, whether we are aware or not aware, we are constantly choosing our frequency.

If in your mind you are thinking all the time about debts, not having enough money, how expensive things are…

Of course, you set yourself in a low frequency of money and wealth.

If you see the positive side, and you start thinking positively, you start going in the right direction.

*Please never do wishful thinking or see everything as positive, this is wrong.

There are good things in everything and there are bad things in everything.

You must accept that and you must always focus on the good.

Now, if you want to attract something specific, you want to get emotionally involved.

That means you have to feel as if you already have it.

You must be certain that it does not make a difference in your life anymore if you have it.

It has to feel so natural. that this is something you deserve.

You should not feel needy or not deserving.

Many people make this mistake of thinking and wishing.

You want that car? Don’t just think about the car. At best, you will attract a rented model of that car.

What you must do is, imagine the kind of person that drives that car, and that person being you.

Do you know every detail like the status or maybe the characteristics you must have to have that car?

To get emotionally involved, in the level that you feel something is yours, there are basically 2 ways known (and a third one that only I teach)

Those two ways are; a shock and repetition

The shock is something that randomly happens and that leaves a mark on your heart.

Something that happens in front of your eyes and you never forget.

You are emotionally involved in that though in that thing.

On the other side, there is repetition.

Now repetition is something that we can practise.

My mentor Mr. Bob Proctor, was teaching this in depth.

So by repeating the things to yourself, you start believing them.

When a thought looks crazy, and you repeat it every day. it starts to make sense.

You think of the car every day. you read about it, you see it, you feel it.

Now the feeling will set you in the same frequency as the car.

Once your feelings are so deep to you and your heart that you are emotionally involved, it happens.

Yes, it does.

I hope everything I said makes sense to you because I tried to keep it as simple as possible and not bombard you with information and I hope that you dig more into these things online yourself.

Please study the Law of Attraction, because it will change your life. It has nothing to do with morality or religion or yourself. You can read about the Law of Attraction on Google and there is so many videos on YouTube as well.

The Law of Attraction, together with other laws (that are less important) are all part of the personal development field. The personal development field helps people to succeed in life. I will write more about personal development in other blogs. Remember, all I do as a person, is teach you the mentality you need (personal development) and the ways to make money (business).

To your success,
Dario Hani



Dario Hani

I see that many university students in Europe struggle financially and all they think of is how to save money. My mission for these blogs is to teach them the right mentality and some ways to make money. Don't hesitate to reach out to me!

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