I now work in 2 jobs in Lucerne (with no German)


Most of you are probably getting that famous rejection email that goes like this;
”Hey, thanks for applying for the X position at Y company, but unfortunately you were not selected…”



That really hurts. Especially when that is the first thing you read on a rainy Monday morning. You have applied to hundreds of jobs and still no results. Your CV looks (kinda) good and you learned German as well. Imagine others, like me, with no previous work experience and no German. Would be impossible to find a job right? Well, never say never. I work simultaneously in two jobs. This looks impossible, but it is true. If you would see my CV you would bet that I could never find a job. (Tbh I don’t need one anyway). There are colleague students, like you, with far better skills and experience than me, who really NEED a job…

1. And, this is why I decided to make this blog post on the HSLU website. 

The first thing you want to do is STOP APPLYING VIA LINKEDIN. Imagine this, before you apply you see that 473 applicants have already applied. Do you really think you stand a chance? Instead of doing that, I will share with you a simple yet effective way to land a job.

As a student or a foreign student, a part-time flexible job is the way to go. Not only do you need time to study but also you have to comply with the laws that limit your right to work 100% when you are actively taking classes.

Don’t get me wrong, I encourage you to take courses and attend fairs and everything. Especially if the kind of position you want for yourself is something better than what you already have. But, if your financial situation is not the best, I would suggest other than exploring, is better to take a simple job as a starting point.

The method that I am about to share with you can be applied to anyone and to any industry. You don’t really need to waste hours trying to perfect your CV or your cover letter. More importantly, you don’t need any previous experience.

2. There are only two things that help you stand out 

The most important thing, and quite frankly the only thing that I urge you to add to your CV is a link to your work or your projects. I have a link to an interview that I was invited to. Maybe you can add a link with your pictures or your art. The visual part that you can add thanks to a link speaks more than words.

Lastly, the only thing that toy want to know about your cover letter, is that you have to write to a person. Direct the way of writing as if you are speaking to someone one-on-one or as if you are talking to someone in a coffee shop.

”While many of you do this…” NO! This is wrong!

You have to write something more like a personalised message: Hey, do you know that if we two were coworkers, you would learn a lot from me, because I can do…”! This is a perfect way to bond. The reason you need to write like that is because the other person will not see you before the interview. You need to talk to one and not to too many people as you write. (Remember, I am the author of a series of three Amazon Kindle Ebooks on self-help and business).

By having a link to your works, or maybe a video of you presenting yourself as well as a well-written customised cover letter, you increase your chances by a lot!

But hey, maybe you are not convinced yet. Aren’t you? I think you need that extra information. You need the secret way to quickly land your first job in Switzerland.

If so, then go ahead and click on the link below. There is a short 3-minute video that I have prepared for you.

I hope it helps. If you love or hate this blog that you read, I thank you for taking the time to read it, and I am more than ready to answer your nice words or critiques in the comment section.

To your success,
Dario Hani

(Don’t forget! Check out the video)







Dario Hani

I see that many university students in Europe struggle financially and all they think of is how to save money. My mission for these blogs is to teach them the right mentality and some ways to make money. Don't hesitate to reach out to me!

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3 thoughts on “I now work in 2 jobs in Lucerne (with no German)

  1. Thank you so much! I am in the process of moving to Luzerne and this information is very useful!!

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