Eco-tourism in Brazil: Chapada dos Veadeiros

The Chapada dos Veadeiros, located in the interior of Goiás, is known for its mystical climate and stunning landscapes. One thing is a fact: Chapada is passionate, and always makes you want to go back, or maybe not even leave!   Chapada is known as …


I’ve been journaling since I was 17 (I still have all of my journals), and it’s such a defining moment for me to be able to see how much mental progress I’ve made over the years. I journal for a variety of reasons, such as …

Eco-tourism in Brazil: Jalapão

Well, Jalapão, or rather Jalapão State Park, is located in eastern Tocantins and has a total area of 34,000 square kilometers – it is land that never ends. With incomparable natural beauty, Jalapão is located in the heart of Tocantins. Here’s how to get to …

Warm Up Übungen fürs Klettern – kurz und knackig

Wir alle kennen es und viele überspringen es – das Einwärmen. Doch gerade um Verletzungen vorzubeugen, solltest du dich vor dem Klettern einwärmen. Auch mein Kletterbuddy Lorena und ich haben uns lange nicht eingewärmt. Bis ich nach einer Klettersession mit Schmerzen und einer kleinen Verletzung …

Eco-tourism in Brazil: Fernando de Noronha

Fernando de Noronha is a very well kept and organized island, with breathtaking landscapes and a crystal blue sea. Not to mention the island’s good vibe: friendly and welcoming people, delicious restaurants, and movie-like sunsets! In this post you will read the main tips for …

NextGen series- First foals turnout

  >>VIDEO BELOW<< One cannot discuss, whether a movement overall is good for a horse- it is. However, with a newborn foal, there might be circumstances, telling us, whether and to what extent we should start letting the foal to turnout. Some mares might be …