Eco-Tourism in Brazil: Foz do Iguaçu

Foz do Iguaçu is a city in the extreme west of the state of Paraná, in the southern region of Brazil. With about 250,000 inhabitants, its economy is based on tourism, attracting about 1.7 million tourists a year to visit its attractions and tourist spots, among which the best known are the Iguaçu Falls and the Itaipu Power Plant.

One trip, triple border!  It is the only city in the triple border of Brazil, with Ciudad del Este, in Paraguay, and with Puerto Iguazú, in Argentina. In fact, this is why a typical show that pays homage to the three countries usually takes place at the 3 Borders Landmark.

You’ll see the Largest waterfalls in the world!
The Iguaçu Falls are the largest waterfalls in the world – 275 falls with a maximum height of 82 meters.
Niagara Falls has a greater flow and is larger in width, but only 3 falls.
Victoria Falls, on the border with Zambia and Zimbabwe, is higher (around 128 meters) and wider (1.7 km wide), but loses in flow to Iguazu Falls.

Largest power plant in the world: The 3 Gorges power plant in China is larger than Itaipu in size and installed capacity. However, Itaipu is still the world’s largest hydroelectric power plant.

there it is an amazing conservation of the Atlantic Forest: The region bordering Foz do Iguaçu is home to the largest conservation unit of the Atlantic Forest, with approximately 185 thousand hectares – the Iguaçu National Park.


Hi all! Im a marketing professional passionate for ecotourism and for traveling around the world knowing the beautiful places nature give us :)

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