Valerie Klesen

Have you ever moved to a country where you felt like you didn’t belong? All you wanted to do at first is find something that felt familiar? Hi, my name is Valerie, I’m 23, (half) Indonesian and I moved to Switzerland about a decade ago. In the first couple years I went on the hunt for (real) Asian food, by looking for the best restaurants and stores. I will be using this platform to provide you with insights on the best Asian restaurants and stores in the greater Zurich area, as well as inform you of stereotypical (indon)asian, pun intended, traits that you may not have known about. Also, if you’re interested in a recommendation by an Asian, of which Islands to visit in Asia: stay tuned. This platform should aid in learning about Indonesians, as well as spread the looooove for Asian cuisine and culture. I hope you enjoy the ride...

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2 thoughts on “Indonesians don’t say…

  1. so sad this was your last post! i loved reading every single one of them? this was however one of my favorites ? so so entertaining ?? thank you val!

    1. Thank you for your continuous support! I’m glad you enjoyed reading my content!

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