Going through it: A mental slump

Slump: A period of decline or deterioration, during which a person performs slowly, inefficiently, or ineffectively[1]

Hello, my name is Namata, and I just got out of a slump. If you’ve ever been in one, you understand how helpless you feel. At some point in our lives, we’ve all experienced feelings of exhaustion, demotivation, stagnation, or just plain blah. Numerous factors can contribute, but are not limited to the following:
To fall into a slump, factors such as stress, work, and assignments, to name a few, can leave us exhausted and unmotivated.

In the last few weeks, whether I spoke with friends or family, it seemed as though everyone was going through a “difficult period” or simply feeling a bit demotivated . As a result, I decided to write a blog about the various ways you might emerge from one. Having said that, taking care of oneself is critical to preventing and avoiding mental slumps, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t normal. It happens to almost everyone.

I’ll be blogging about how to be more productive, different meals and recipes that may help improve your mood, and how I, myself, get out of it. Plus a variety of other tools to help you.

So keep an eye out!


“When you’re in a Slump,
you’re not in for much fun.
Un-slumping yourself
is not easily done.”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!


Emotional slump or depression

An emotional slump can be defined as “not being yourself” and feeling down for a few days or a week. Depression, on the other hand, is usually defined by symptoms over a longer period of time. In terms of  depression, symptoms such as sadness, hopelessness, despair, and isolation should be considered .

An emotional slump is more likely to be caused by an external factor, whereas depression can be caused by either an external or genetic factor. Internal factors such as low self-esteem, low self-worth, and a general lack of identity may all contribute to depression.

N.b. If you believe that your emotions are becoming more intense, or that your efforts to control your emotions are causing problems in your life. If you are experiencing a crisis or believe you may be experiencing an emergency, call your doctor immediately, or speak with a qualified, experienced counsellor at a crisis centre in your area at any time.








Hello, I'm doing my Msc in Business Administration majoring in Online business and Marketing. I am passionate about people, learning different cultures and the overall human experience of life

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17 thoughts on “Going through it: A mental slump

  1. Couldn’t have read this at a better time! Excited to read more on the topic… Definitely slumping at the moment

    1. Hi Chiedza, thank you. I’m glad this came at the right time for you.

      Don’t worry, you’ve got this! <3 

  2. Lovely title and relatable content! I hope I get out of this slump soon enough :’)

    1. Thank you Sheba, I truly appreciate it.
      I hope you do too, don’t worry we all go through it 🙂

  3. This is amazing Namata! Since lockdown a lot of people have struggled to get back on their feet and this might just be the voice they need to hear. I look forward to reading more about your insight regarding this topic, and of course all the delicious, feel-good recipes!

    1. Thank you very much Ivy. Coming out of lockdown and adjusting hasn’t been easy, I’ll admit. We’re all simply trying to figure things out. So I hope the little insight I provide will be beneficial.
      Keep an eye out for the recipe!

  4. Hi Namata, I hope you’re doing well.
    I’m really looking forward to reading your next pieces of work as to how I can gain more insight on the improvement of my mental well-being. Thank you for sharing this ?

    1. Hello Tjiyandjeua, thank you I am doing great. I’m excited that you’re looking forward to my next pieces. Hopefully you gain some insight that will help with your mental well-being.
      We’re all in this together!

  5. Dear Namata,
    thank you for writing about this topic. I can really relate.
    I wish you all the best and I look forward to your next blog post. <3

    1. Dear Sarah, thank you for your kind words and well wishes.
      I hope you enjoy what’s to come.

  6. Love this especially the distinguish between emotional slump and depression. Oftentimes we tend to confuse the two as they intertwine and downplay one as we may think it’s just an emotional slump but it’s indeed depression. So it’s very important we know the difference and treat each one accordingly. I love this, thank you so much it’s beautiful. Can’t wait to read more of your blogs.

  7. Hey Namata, thanks for sharing this insight. Indeed getting out of a slump takes a lot out of a person! I’m excited to read more of your shared posts on how one can overcome this, I could definitely use some tips!

  8. “I’ll be blogging about how to be more productive, different meals and recipes that may help improve your mood, and how I, myself, get out of it. Plus a variety of other tools to help you.”
    This right here hit home so much because we often forget to take care of ourselves. I literally had to switch up and clean up what I consume on a daily basis. little do we know the effort we put into ourselves also determines how ones day will play out and how productive ones day can be. In all honesty Affirmations helped me tremendously it’s just sad to see or hear how underrated Affirmations are.
    This is definitely a great post Namata ?

    Looking forward to more post

  9. This is beautiful!!! So honest raw and enlightening. I can’t wait to read more of your work!

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