Welcome to a deep dive into the finest wines

Welcome to a deep dive into growing, producing and testing a few of the finest wines in Germany, France, and Switzerland.

But first let me introduce myself.

My name is Clara and just like you I am a big fan of a slightly fermented grape juice. I grew up in southwest Germany, in one of the finest wine regions in the country. Rheinhessen offered the playground to play in the vineyards as a child and later to spend weekends wine tasting as an adult, learning to appreciate art behind the production of wine from the scratch.

My grandfather used to be a cellarmaster, every celebration, every holiday or simply a casual Friday night he would serve and spoil the family with only the best wines you can imagine. But yes, you are right, as a child you are only allowed to sit and watch the adults getting happier and happier by every glass.

Reaching legal drinking age, I was allowed to join the joy of tasting wines too (maybe even earlier…). Wine and more so the presentation of wines at the table will always have a special place in my heart due to the influence of my grandfather. Sadly, I was too young to learn from my grandfather about the production of wines, the different types, and the proper way of tasting wine. And now I’m winging my own way through endless bottles unaware of the art behind.

I have to say I am not an expert. I’m seeking to have a better understanding of the production of famous and infamous wines. And I want to share this knowledge with you. Because maybe there is someone out there who shares the same struggles but never knew how to properly start.

So, if you didn’t get tipsy by now be prepared for more to come.


Take a sneak peek on the upcoming wine menu…

Vineyards Rheinhessen (Source: https://www.silkes-weinkeller.de/weinblatt-magazin/weinbaugebiete-deutschland-rheinhessen/)



First stop – Rheinhessen, Germany

  • Get excited to discover two of the most famous and infamouse wines of Rheinhessen



Moving south – Alsace, France

  • Follow along into the north of France, exploring vineyards between the Voges and the Black Forest


Travelling East – Wallis Switzerland

  • Welcome to the south of Switzerland. Find out which fine wines the land of mountains has in store for you

    Wine tasting

How to taste wine? – “Amateurs are drinking, Professionals are tasting”

  • Now are you ready for a proper tasting? Prepare the bottles and get your glasses ready because we will see how true experts are properly tasting wine


Hello wine lovers Did you ever enjoy a glass of wine and found yourself asking, how do they do that? How can the grape that you may enjoy along side your cheese turn into such a blissful liquid experience? Well, I have asked myself this question over countless glasses of wines and finally, I am conquering this lack of knowledge. For all wine lovers who don’t want to open a big barrel right away, I’ll take you on a short tour through the vineyards of Germany, France and Switzerland. All the big and small names on the wine menu are tasted. So pour yourselves a glass, sit back and maybe we’ll see each other again soon at the next wine tasting.

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