When was the last time you tried something new? 

“The most precious thing that we all have with us is time.” – Steve Jobs

Trying new things in life is not always easy or something we all know. However, it doesn’t have to be something huge and scary when you try to be more spontaneous or try new things. When you’re trying to be spontaneous, it’s perfectly fine to start small. We can establish a variety of limiting beliefs throughout our lives. Limiting beliefs prevent you from doing such things as we usually do. For example, you may have a limiting belief that you can’t run more than a mile because “you’re not good at endurance training” or “you’ve never been good at sports.” I ride my bike a lot, have since I was a kid, but I’ve never tried to ride at a faster pace and compete with others. Yesterday was my turn to try something new and overcome my resistance. At first, I was afraid to challenge myself and cycle with a pro. However, I decided to think less and take a chance. A spinning instructor approached me and kindly asked if I would like to “battle” with her for half an hour. She asked four or five people in front of me, but they all declined, even though they were all spinning, but at their own slow or fast pace.


Seeing this, I convinced myself to leave my comfort zone for a while and train at a different pace this time. The lady not only introduced me to cycling, but she encouraged me and taught me many of her techniques. Had I declined her invitation, I wouldn’t have learned anything new and probably would have been stuck in my daily training routine.

The result?

I really enjoyed it! No doubt it was more strenuous than I thought it would be, but in the end I was proud of myself and discovered hidden elements of Interval Spinning. A new physical activity exercised my body in a previously unknown way. I explored my movement and my body in new ways, increasing the chances of new sensations and unlocking my strength. Remember, we all have a normal fear of the unknown. We are held back by our fear. It keeps us from living a full existence. Never say to yourself, “I should have or I would have to”. Take advantage of as many new opportunities as you can.

Take a risk. Live a fantastic existence! When we realize that we spend most of our time doing the same things over and over and following the same routine, it begs the question: are we missing out on moments and opportunities that could allow us to live our lives differently and more interestingly? We often envy those who are able to play sports and have new adventures often, forgetting that trying a new activity can provide just the thrill we need, sometimes even more.





ustalli sidorela aikaterini

My name is Katerina Ustalli and I come from Greece and Albania. I have studied Media and Communication in Athens and before two years I decided to move in Switzerland. My aim was to attend some German classes and limit my stay in Switzerland to six months, however, the city of Zurich fascinated me and I have already ended up in this city for two years. I love sports and I enjoy being active in social media. I try to combine my passion for fitness with social media and I want to create my own online platform. This goal would be easier with a Master in Online Marketing!

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5 thoughts on “When was the last time you tried something new? 

  1. Hi Aikaterini!

    You are totally right. The most important is to leave our comfort zone and discover and try new things.
    New opportunities are just in front of our path. Thanks a lot for inspiring and encouraging people to believe in themselves.

    Keep continuing to have fun!


    1. Hi Stephanie!!
      I totally agree with you and I am glad that you liked my approach!
      Thank you for your feedback!
      Katerina 🙂

  2. Agree with you on this one. Had a hard time to trust myself with new thing. but things turned out pretty good.

    1. Thank you for your comment:)
      Happy for you! Nothing better than trusting ourselves and share this journey 🙂

  3. That’s so true that nothing leads to a renewed sense of self-esteem like the sense of accomplishment that comes from learning something new. Whether you’ve always wanted to learn a foreign language, how to play a musical instrument or how to cook a gourmet meal, find something new to learn.

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