Let’s Get Serious: SEO tools you didn’t know about (4 Free!!!)

Why Use SEO Tools? 

With these tools, you are able to see what is working and which parts of your strategy could benefit from some tweaking.

The best SEO tools will also offer you reports on how you compare to your rivals and where your biggest opportunities are.

They also allow you to track search performance across countries, regions, and languages.





So without further ado, here are my favourite 3 tools:

Google Search Console

Did you know that Google gives you a tool that teaches you how to rate #1 on Google?

Crazy, right? But it’s true.

You will be able to analyse all the pages on your website that are getting new traffic.

But the cool thing is that it shows you which articles get the impression.

What does impression mean? It tells you how many people are seeing your listing and are clicking through and how many people are not clicking on them.


Google PageSpeed Insights

We live in a digital world. Speed matters!

Google PageSpeed Insights is without a doubt a useful tool for webmasters, developers, and site owners of all types.


It gets better. If you’re managing more than one website, SEO tools can help you assess each site’s performance on the fly.


Fortunately, Google PageSpeed Insights can save hours of effort and generate accurate reports at a click, showing the difference between developer and the user experience: When can your user see the content for the first time and how long does it take for the rest of the content to upload. What are the KPI for a desktop compared to a mobile site? Where are your opportunities? How do your images perform on the website? And so on.

All of these tools can help you to speed up your site by addressing the topics the site suggests for you to improve. 

Google Optimize

Do you want to improve your customer’s journey?

Google Optimize is a site personalization and testing solution which is built on top of Google Analytics.

If you want to change your site, this is the tool to use. You will not need development cycles or engage with development teams.

It allows you to personalize your website to specific audiences on your site.

Google Optimize has multiple ways to test the site experience using A/B testing, redirect testing or multivariate testing – all in the effort to quantify the impact of any site changes that you are making.

Can you think of companies that give every customer a different experience on their landing pages?

– Send me your answers in the comments!

Check out my other blog posts. Which one is did you like the most? ❤️ ?

6 Digital Marketing Strategies
Why do we need SEO?
How to rank higher on Google?
The dark side of SEO
What do you know about Keyword?
How to choose the right keywords?
Top 8 points in your SEO checklist


Don’t be afraid to sign in and experiment:

  1. https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
  2. https://search.google.com/search-console/about
  3. https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/optimize/ 



ben aharon nissim

Post, post, post! Why doesn’t it always work? Did you ever ask yourself how to increase traffic on your website? How to improve your visibility on Google? Which marketing strategy will work for you best? Let’s go down the rabbit hole and discover how you can market your business online, manage successful campaigns and much more. Hi, my name is Nissim. I have been living in Switzerland for a while and I have been working in online marketing for more than a decade. I will share my insights, tips and recommendations with you. Also - I am addicted to coffee, I am a technology enthusiast, I dream of owning a dog, and I would love to have a drink with Elon Musk. If you wish me to create content on a specific topic, make sure to write it in the comments section below. Thanks!

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