TOP 5 things to take for a day hike

Planning to go for a day hike? Don’t leave without these day hike essentials!
Day hiking is an awesome possibility to spend time outdoors. It’s the best way to explore a new place, to feel new positive emotions, and to recharge the batteries. Preparations for a day hike are not time consuming but require forethought.

Ok, I need to admit that years ago, I would never have been qualified to tell you what to bring on a day hike. I went for trails completely unprepared for the twists and turns that lay ahead. I didn’t check the weather forecast (and web cams) before the hike, packed my backpack 1 hour before the trip, took only a small bottle of water and one bar of chocolate. And my clothes…oh that’s another story – sneakers, T-shirt, and fancy sunglasses. Luckily, I’ve always come out in one piece, but my failure in hike preparations could destroy the whole trip.

A successful hike is simple when you have the right tools and a positive mindset. The first step is knowing what to pack, so you can feel great all day and keep your energy levels up.

That’s why I’ve created a small video about TOP-5 essentials needed for a day hike.

Of course, I covered just basic things, but let me explain these essentials in detail:
1. Navigation Tools: Make sure to bring a map, compass or to use GPS for your hiking trip. When you know what to expect on the road and can explore the area around, you can plan better and enjoy the hike without worrying about getting lost.
2. First-Aid Kit: Build a personalized first-aid kit, which might include blister treatment, bandages, tape, aspirin, sedative and any medications that you may need.
3. Proper clothes: What you wear on your hike will have a significant impact on your experience. Check the weather forecast beforehand and prepare right sport gear. The best pants to wear for a hike are those that are comfortable, breathable, and can help you keep cool or warm depending on the temperature. During winter, the trick is to wear layers to keep warm. During summer, avoid shorts and wear lightweight pants to better protect yourself against skin irritation or bug bites. Choosing the right pair of hiking shoes is also vital for a successful hike. If you plan to hike on mild terrain, light hiking shoes are a good option. However, if you are going to mountains or snowy terrain I suggest you buy professional hiking boots. Also, make sure that your shoes are waterproof. Bring along sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn and UV radiation. Don’t forget sunglasses to shield your eyes and a cap to cover your head.

Other useful tips:

4. Water and food: Water is perhaps the most important item, which you need to take with you. Without enough water, your body cannot perform at its best. Make sure to hydrate before the hiking trip and sip water throughout the day. If you plan a hike that is less than an hour long, you may not need to take food, but some snacks are always a good idea. It can be granola bars, nuts, bananas, dried fruits or vegetables. Remember – energy is essential, so don’t forget to eat!
5. Backpack: Choose a backpack that feels comfortable for you and that won’t put excess strain on your back and shoulders. Always wear both shoulder straps, and make sure the backpack rests close to your body and high on your back.

What else would be useful to take with you for a day hike:
Rain jacket and a cover for a backpack
Multi-Purpose Tool or Knife
Bug Spray
Hand sanitizer

During my hiking experience I’ve learned that preparation for a day hike is more than just throwing some food and water in a bag and hitting the trail. Day hikes, both big and small, deserve thoughtful planning. So, get ready for your next day hike the right way. Use my tutorial and other tips and next time when you ask yourself “What should I bring on my day hike?” I think you know exactly where to get started.

Want to know the best places for the first hike? Stay tuned for the next post.

Here are the links to my previous posts:
Having a clear mind – or why hiking is an alternative to meditation
Hiking community: myth or reality?

Polina Vinokurova

Sometimes we start our speech with words "Oh, it is a long story...", but our life is full of nice stories. Isn't it? I believe my stories in this blog will be interesting for you. Hi, I am Polina from Russia. Since September 2020 I have been living in Switzerland. Every day I explore this beautiful country and I want to share with you my insights about famous Swiss activity - hiking. Follow my posts here and join me for a next hike.

View all posts by Polina Vinokurova →

16 thoughts on “TOP 5 things to take for a day hike

  1. Hey Polina, I like your video and these essential hiking tips you shared. As someone interested in hiking, now I know what I need to get started right. Thank you for your energetic and detailed explanation, and I am looking forward to your next posts on this topic! ?

    1. Thanks Begum, let’s go for a hike together?! 🙂 In my next post I will make an overview of the places where would be nice to go for a day hike.

  2. Now we are fully prepared! Very fun and useful video! I love that you are sharing your personal experiences in the blog post sequence, first of all 🙂

  3. Very useful information, now I feel prepared for start hiking with all your starters guide and tips !

    1. Thank you, Franz! You are always invited to join me for a next hike. I am sure you will like this type of activity!

  4. Thanks for the great tips! I would also suggest to take water cleansing pills maybe. Just in case you run out of your water during the hike 🙂

  5. Great post!! Now I can successfully go hiking in Switzerland! These tips are very useful and the video is so creative! Thank you for sharing it with us 🙂

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