8 Ways for Low Impact Living

In my last post, we uncovered the basics and importance of conscious consumerism. Now, as promised, we will talk about the ways to live more sustainably and responsibly. Let’s get started!

  1. Do your research well. Choose to buy products/services from brands that prioritize people, the environment, and the planet!
  2. Incorporate minimalism into your life more. Do not panic thinking that you will have to live with only three items from now on. Contrary to popular belief, minimalism does not mean living with just a few things. It advises you to consider how everyday products are made and their entire lifecycle impacts before bringing them into your life.
  3. Buy Fairtrade labeled products. This way, you can make sure the minimum price for production is given to growers of coffee, cocoa, banana, flowers, tea, sugar, and other crops.

“Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions, and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries.” Fairtrade International.

  1. Buy eco-friendly products. Stop using single-use plastics and opt for reusable products such as cups, utensils, bags, and containers. Also, buy cruelty-free, plastic-free, and eco-friendly swaps for toiletries and cosmetics such as soap, razors, and face wash.
  2. Reduce your carbon footprint. Limit air transport and travel around by using ride-shares, biking, taking the train and public transportation, and driving electric vehicles.
  3. Visit thrift stores. Instead of buying new items every time, try to reuse your existing items, repair them, and borrow from your acquaintances. You can make a habit of visiting flea markets and shopping online to buy second-hand items.
  4. Shop from local producers and small businesses. This way, you will get the chance to talk directly to sellers and learn more details about your buying products.
  5. Go zero-waste. Take time to disintegrate your trash to see if there are recyclable products such as paper, glass, plastic, carton, steel and aluminum cans, etc. You can also dispose of your old belongings by donating them.

Welcome the contributions that low-impact living can bring to your life and the world you live in. You know what they say, it’s better late than never!


Further reading:

Begüm Zor

Hey everyone! I’m Begüm, a Master’s student in Online Business and Marketing at HSLU. My blog posts aim to spread low-impact living, veganism, and sustainability and make it easier to understand for everyone. I hope you’ll enjoy and get inspired by the idea of living more consciously!

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10 thoughts on “8 Ways for Low Impact Living

  1. Hey Begüm, what a great list! Although I won’t say that I can fulfil all those points, I am proud to say that I am always reducing my carbon footprint……partly because I am so rich that I cannot afford a car. 🙂 When will the next post be out?

    1. Hi Nicole, thank you very much! I believe it will be more applicable if you gradually introduce those tips into your life rather than apply them at once. I see you already carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You will be thriving in this! ? The next post will be online very soon; please stay tuned!

  2. Hey Begüm, thanks for sharing tips.

    I will suggest a book called “The (Almost) Zero-Waste Guide: 100+ Tips for Reducing Your Waste Without Changing Your Life” It gives very practical tips that you can incorporate in your daily life.

    1. Hi Demet, thank you for reading the article and your suggestion. I will definitely get this book and try to find out what I can learn more to reduce my waste. I am excited about this! ?

  3. Again great holistic approach here to tackle low-impact living from different angles like minimalism or zero-waste! Absolutely love it!

    1. Again, another lovely comment from you. I am happy if I was able to provide you with these topics in a holistic manner. Thanks a lot, Azim! ?

  4. Clever consumption is an idea that we all should follow to save our planet for a future generations ?

    1. Thank you Daria for leaving a comment! Yes, I hope we all can get more aware of this idea! 🙂

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