Instagram Manager Insights – Concept

How to find your passion and the create concept

Hi again, welcome back to the guide of becoming successful “Dark Knight” behind the Instagram influencer. The following article will be useful for both Instagram managers or anyone who wants to start/ improve his social life on Instagram.

It is about your passion or “how to find about what to write”? Not just write but the way it will reach people hearts. And increase your statistics on IG page. I will show you using a small case study with fresh new blog page that I have just started managing.

Here I will discuss why and how to start. Quick remark, it seems much easier to work with already promoted established blogs. And there is plenty of information how to integrate yourself into it. But I thought it would be more useful to show how to start from a very beginning. Lets see…

Blog analysis

So you found the blogger who wants your help in Instagram world. Or you would like to start your own?CONGRATULATIONS!

It can be your friend, colleague, small business owner next to your house, big client, personal blog or business… If you start from the beginning first things first, you need to know what is your concept.

The Concept

Creating the concept can be quite a long process. But be as flexible as you can. And analyse, analyse and one more time analyse. In couple of months you will know exactly what works and what does not. But before we pack the blog…

“Help your blogger to find the concept. The idea of any blogger is to eventually become “influencer” (I don’t like this word either). The second idea is naturally to sell. So what is his or her unique selling proposition (USP)?”

You or your blogger need to find the passion. There is something I found very helpful called “Matrix of interests”.

Matrix of interests

Let’s look at one Anna had:

So “I” is in the middle and around things she loves to learn/do/talk about. Something what constantly inspires her. We have also discussed what is her number 1,2… from the most important and the results are:

  1. Medicine – this is the base, the ground of the blog. Every professional blog needs to have this one thing it is specialised on. The platform on which we can integrate other interests and activities.
  2. Sport (Ballet) – second is main hobby, something happening on regular basis. I was lucky here because it is also Anna’s anchor. Cherry on top of a cake. Because there are not many doctors who dance ballet….
  3. The rest of interests, hobbies, activities. Here we have:
  • travel – does not happen regular enough to be main hobby;
  • psychology – understanding yourself, self-love, relationship, inner peace. Interest but not specialised on it;
  • history of medicine, remarkable doctors, achievements and so on. Goes close to the profession.

And this is how we start building the concept. Choosing the base and sprinkle some chocolate on top with different interests, hobbies and activities. Something which well combines together and fits with your comfortable level of privacy.

If it is a professional blog, why not to write only about the profession? Because of

Target Audience

Simply explaining how to target audience on IG:

“Your target audience are people who are similar to you or want to become you, getting inspired by your lifestyle.”

Anna’s medical specialty is gynaecology, she is a woman, 25 years old, finishing Medical university and next year will be running her own practice. From this info and above her TA is: Female, 18-34 years old. She kindly allowed me to share with you her current statistics (quick hint, to see this switch your profile from private to business mode. This will allow access to lots of data):

You might be a bit surprised by 28% male in female gynaecologist page – this is what happens when you make from your personal page a professional one. My advice – do not do that. Run them separately. Otherwise statistics is always compromised by people who doesn’t care about what you write, do not bring any activity to the page but just follow you probably because you once met somewhere. In 2021 it is not about the number of followers anymore but activity in blog and clear statistics.

Please see the video, very simple and quite useful explaining how to target and find your clients:


Anna’s audience 25-34, reading one, illustration is quite important and is capable of buying. Not liking much or commenting. Not so trustworthy. And this why we are mixing professional concept with a bit of personal – to build trust. People in Anna’s target group looking for an expert with good, balanced or exiting lifestyle who they can follow and we have our….


Now for next chapter please don’t throw rocks at me. The following is sad reality what you can “sell” in your blog that brings you audience. They are called triggers.

  1. Money
  2. Relationships
  3. Beauty and health
  4. Exciting lifestyle
  5. Stability

The blog can only include your interests without any triggers, it is fine. But to bring audience and increase activity your concept should include interest plus trigger in all publications if possible.

Include this in making your story and post categories. I will write more about this in my nexts blogs. From Anna, couple of topics we have done

  • Bullet and how beautiful/healthy it makes her feel. Or how exiting to have a concert.

We do not use triggers such as relationships and wealth because it is not Annas level of comfort. I emphasised it twice because as much as you think sharing your love life will bring you followers, you won’t do it right if you are not comfortable and naturally can speak about it. And on the contrary Anna loves talking about sexual education (which is completely missing in Ukrainian school system), which is why it’s a popular category, includes health/relationships.

And last but not least, with time any successful blogger developing their own


They are those small details your page should have to be memorising to audience. It is a part of creating a brand. Something anchors is interesting about you, different, memorable… Could be small things like you make this extra special healthy breakfast every morning, you wearing different socks for a good luck, you love organising your closet like Marie Kondo…

Anna has ballet, this is unique hobby she combines with medical internship, work and private time. She uses green colours in her publications. As I mentioned, it can be something very simple. And most likely you will notice it later while packing your blog.

This is all I had to say about concept. I really hope you got even a little bit inspired.

In upcoming weeks I will write about how to create good bio, plan you visual content and creating categories in posts and stories. Please ask me if you want to hear more about other aspects, I will make sure to include them at some point as well.

Thank you for your time and stay tuned! Vlada


Hi, my name is Vlada and currently I am working on my Master's Degree in Online Business and Marketing. In the past years, I found a way not to work at the office and still make some extra money (and pay for my study) on Instagram. No, I am not an influencer or a blogger. I am the person, who helps them to manage the blog and I want to share some of my insights with you. Enjoy!

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8 thoughts on “Instagram Manager Insights – Concept

  1. Hi, Vlada.
    Do you think that stories on IG loose on value as many people dont have a real story/message but instead are just trying to promote themselves? And then later obiously trying to promote a product but without a real value behind. Thank you for your Feedback.

    1. Dear Joshua, I really appreciate your interest in my article and thank you for your question. It is quite a complex topic, simply to answer this I can say you will find what you are looking for. It is also quite a skill to promote yourself without value behind but create it after gathering the audience. I personally do not think it is a sustainable concept and we can see those kind of blogs are loosing popularity. It is just too many of them. Currently the main trend is “telling your real story” without any filters and brush ups and stories are great tool for it.

  2. Great tips! I am very curious to read about the bio writing and planning of visual content. Maybe you could share any apps you use to plan the content? Thank you!

    1. Dear Sofia, thank you a lot for your feedback. I am glad you liked the article. I will be covering bio and visual content further, the app I personally use to plan the content called “Space”. It is also good for formatting posts and changing fonts.

  3. It was a very interesting read Vlada! I am looking forward to reading your next post.

  4. Hi Vlada,

    In the beginning you stated that you start with the concept and slowly get to know what works and what doesn’t. I agree 100%. Personally, I think it is difficult to get people’s attention because no one has time nowadays, especially in the early stages of a blog. Do you have a tip for someone who starts a blog and wants to expand his range?


    1. Hi Luka, thank you a lot for your kink feedback. I agree, it is incredibly difficult nowadays and you could go 2 ways: to do something extremely provocative all the time to get people attention (hype, but not sustainable) or constantly day after day creating quality content and I promise eventually your viewer will find you. Further in my blog I will discuss how to make a good structure and how to advertise. I hope you’ll get some new ideas and inspiration!

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