Simplify your Eating Habits: Waste Less

Every household and organization should have a proactive plan for recycling to divert more materials away from the waste stream. The keyword is not only to recycle more, but we must use less and recycle! The old cliche expression of “less is more” is the …

How to Deal With Anti-LGBT Backlash

You’ve seen why your business needs LGBT-Marketing. You’ve learned about some of the most important dos and don’ts, and you now know why some companies have failed hard or won big with LGBT ad campaigns. Now, it’s time to talk about backlash. The sad truth …

Get your clothes recycled!

By donating clothes to recycling projects, textile waste can be reduced to protect the planet. Innovative projects are running to support both business and the environment. In my last blog post, I wrote about sustainable fashion brands. Many of them use creative techniques to contribute …

Welches Stadtvelo soll ich kaufen?

Liebe Velölerinnen und Velöler Bist du auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Velo und bist dir unsicher, welches Velo deinen Bedürfnissen entspricht? Freust du dich auf den Frühling und suchst ein neues Stadtvelo? Oder suchst du Informationen oder Tipps und Tricks für rund um das …

Alternatives to the traditional ridesharing model

You have surely heard of ridesharing platforms such as Uber and Lyft, and you are probably also to some extent familiar with their business model: use local drivers to provide a door-to-door pick up and drop-off service to the public in cities around the world. …