5 Reasons why to implement Digital Body Language in Marketing

Soon it will be Friday and our brain already begins to make plans for the weekend, if you’re thinking about this for sure you already have a smile on your face, or not?… when you have a very important story to tell, you move your body or your hands as if you were playing a tennis match, or for sure when you talk about a topic that you don’t like, you wrinkle any part of your face.

Instead of dislike, Facebook is testing 'Reactions' animated emoji ...

We are always communicating, and not only with words. Movements, facial and body expressions can say a lot and little at the same time. These fine clues can lead some companies to success in a sale, because they could read the interest the consumer has in their product and respond with a more attractive proposition… they can get a lot of information in a face-to-face negotiation or transaction. So, How to do it then online?… Well, thanks to digital body language, it is possible to get everything necessary to know better the consumer.

  • What is digital body language?

Digital body language is the sum of all the digital activities of a user whether on the web or on social media. Visits, clicks, applications, “like”, “dislike”, next, match, etc, are all the small virtual gestures that build up the person’s digital fingerprint. The objective is to track their commitment expectations; in other words, why and how do they interact with the brand.

According to Steven Woods, co-founder, and director of the technology Eloqua; which analyzes the impact of body language, there are 10 essential aspects to understand Digital Body Language. (DBL)

  • Lead Source – What is the source of the leads?
  • Emails Opened – What kind of emails have attracted your attention?
  • Number of Form Submissions – How many times have you answered a survey on the website?
  • Website Visits – How often did people visit your website?
  • Pages Viewed – how many different pages have a visitor gone through?
  • Automation Emails – are they in your workflows?
  • List Segmentation – What lists have the leads been classified on and what kind of communications are they receiving?
  • Recent Conversion – What have been the most recent conversations?
  • Social Media Clicks – How do people interact with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages?
  • Lead Score – How is their level of engagement with the website and the explicit information that has been collected through the forms assessed?


5 reasons why to implement DBL in Marketing

  1. The messages would be personalized: with the data obtained, the messages can be adapted to each user. This could be done automatically or by direct communication. There is nothing worse than receiving an extremely commercial message when someone is not prepared to buy. Nowadays the messages received are more adequate to the demand and with tempting deals taking advantage of everything that is known about the user.
  2. Define People: Create customer profiles, understand their motivations and way of thinking. When a company knows what its user feels and wants, it is much easier to offer them what they need.
  3. It reaches more than Google Analytics: Google’s measurement tool is the basis of many digital marketers’ daily lives. But although it is a very useful and complex software, it is not practical if companies want to know better the users one by one.
  4. Reach users wherever they are: Digital body language is the result of all the user’s actions on any platform. There is no longer a need to analyze the company’s website and social networks individually and find out how they fit together. In the same way, you can adapt the company’s actions to each individual’s behavior to reach them at the best time and in the right place, like “door to door” but without the need to spend on gasoline.
  5. It will have all the necessary data to continue improving: Digital marketing is a task that will never end, each strategy that is put in place is an opportunity to obtain more data, which in turn serves as a basis for designing new strategies. A continuous improvement process in which real-time and individualized information for each user provides the key advantage.



La era del Marketing Digital, PuroMarketing, 2020

5 Claves del lenguaje corporal digital, Sales Manago, 2016

Karen Paz

Master student in Online Business and Marketing, I think that marketing makes you experience a thousand different things and is like a tale book. It always has a better story than the previous one.

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