Wine vs Beer

Which gets you drunk more quickly?

A glass of beer and a glass of wine, both contain around the same alcohol content. However, how drunk you get actually relies on that alcohol passing into your bloodstream; and the speed at which this happens depends on the type of drink. People tend to drink wine while having dinner or some snacks, which slows the speed of people drinking, but if you decide to drink wine and beer at the same speed, wine will make do embarrassing things faster than beer.

 Beer belly or Wine belly?

Alcohol itself contains calories, not to mention all the sugars that make our favorite drinks so tasty. At around 180 calories, a glass of beer has 50% more energy content than a glass of wine, although not all wines and beers have the same calories. A good rule of thumb is to choose the lightest alcohol dry wine or beer in order to have the least calories.

For moderate drinkers, however, the differences seem to be minimal.

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To avoid the lovely hangover.

Well… I only have bad news for this one. It does not matter which one, nor if you alternate them…you are still going to wake up with a hangover ?! True is that if you drink too much any alcoholic drink you will suffer it the day after.

Sadly, there is no winner on this one.

Better for my health?

As I have mentioned before wine has many health benefits. Beer is conspicuously absent from these health bulletins, but it too contains a fair share of modest benefits, similar to white wine but less than red wine. Clearly, none of this gives you a free pass to excessively drink, but if drank in moderation, a glass of wine a day really may keep the doctor away. When it comes to health benefits, wine edges it as the best medicine.


In conclusion and based on my experiences, I can say that I have way more illustrious anecdotes while drinking beer than wine.



Alejandro Gomez Ibarra

Human, Mexican traveler, taco expert, beer aficionado, wine enthusiast.

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