Positivity through Yoga and Meditation
“I found out I am happiest when I do yoga. It gives me a power of positivity, a kind of fulfilment and satisfaction like never” says Poonam Dalmia, a Yoga practitioner
Yoga is an integral science of wellbeing that deals with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of the people. This is a way of life that provides an opportunity to attain inner peace and harmony. We as humans are not able to control what happens or the situations and challenges that life throws on us but the way we take the situation, not affecting our inner harmony lies within us. Meditation is the way of blossoming and nourishing the inner self. Inculcating yoga principles to daily life and adopting healthy practices and attitudes, ultimately leading to the enlightenment of our soul.
Yoga is a way of life that has existed for thousands of years. Practising yoga brings balance and harmony, giving us the ability to enjoy life, fulfil our potential and to find our true self. In modern society, it is clear we are alienated from our own nature because of an illusion that our self is separate from what is present around us.
Yoga helps us to connect with our inner teacher, the one who shows us the way of freeing our spirit, provides us guidelines and opens the gate for us to make the journey which we all undertake in our course of life.
Yoga not only unites our body and mind together but also connects us back to our true nature and enriches our soul from within. Yoga has the ability to connect our body to our breath and sensations in a precise manner. This allows us to meditate on the inner self and experience truth. These experiences bring light and instructions in different areas of our life beginning with our actions, thoughts, speech, sleep, breath and posture.
Surya Namaskar (salutation to the sun) is set of asanas that stimulate the soul and brings in a bundle of positivity to carry forward. Doing this regularly strengthens the immune system and aids in weight management loss.
Hope you enjoy doing this little effort to experience a positive body, mind and soul
Very well written
Very usedul in human life.
thanks for sharing the meaning of Yoga Siny! I also had to learn that yoga is actually not a sport, it is about the whole lifestyle. I think many people understand what yoga brings out to your life, but not in-depth. Next time I will do yoga I will keep mind those meaning
Thanks for sharing your insight, Hikaru