Apps that can help you achieve a greener lifestyle

Reading this blog already shows that you are interested in the idea of reducing waste and having an ecological footprint. Take a second right now to ask yourself why. Could it be that you are passionate and interested in saving the environment for the future? Maybe you are trying to avoid the harmful toxins in your plastics and daily products. Perhaps you realize that living sustainably can help you save money or simply because you care for the planet. Whatever your reason, in order to achieve a more sustainable future, by recycling correctly, wasting less and minimizing all unnecessary things at all costs, you have to make it known that you are trying to achieve a zero waste lifestyle.

“Whatever change you adopt you have to see yourself doing it for life because then that’s when it becomes a lifestyle.”

Whether it is the chemicals in your cleaning products, the contents of your make-up bag, or rethinking the way you get around, starting with small changes throughout different aspects of your day to day lifestyle can have great impacts. Businesses and other people, such as students, are using way less paper than in the past years, thanks to computers, smartphones and cloud storage. Many companies send bills and other communications over email and online sources rather than regular mail. People are more frequently taking notes and managing their schedules through their smartphones. All this idea adds to reducing the impact of the world’s tree population and reducing the carbon footprint. 

There are a lot of other ways to contribute to the preservation of the environment with technology. Most of these Green applications are widely used and have brought about significant changes. They are tools that are created to help reach a sustainable future by motivating and keeping you on track. One effective way to reduce your carbon footprint is to make more environmentally-friendly purchases, and thanks to the ‘green’ apps that are being developed these days, it’s becoming a lot easier to figure out which products have the lowest impact on the environment. Having a zero waste lifestyle can lead towards a healthier, happier and more sustainable life by generating and monitoring you garbage. Using the rePurpose calculator on their site, you can calculate your footprint on how much waste you produce and impact the environment. 


Even though they aren’t a true app it’s more a search engine but it’s a really great start to use them! It’s the same as Google but with a purpose behind them! For every search you look, a portion of its profits goes towards planting trees around the world. It is an eco-friendly option and helps you become greener in your lifestyle. 

Think Dirty

The app helps you set the correct zero-waste mentality and create a sustainable lifestyle to understand the ingredients in your personal care products. We as humans use so many products on our face, body and for cleaning our homes, we have to think how much went into these products and how harmful can they be? The ratings on the beauty products in this app helps to understand whether their use is fair or completely unethical and unhealthy. 

Too good to go

Through the app or the online site, they connect the users to buy leftover food that restaurants haven’t sold and would otherwise be wasted. Obtaining meals at low prices because they quickly deteriorate and they are good at spreading ideas of reducing waste. This is an excellent choice to try to achieve a zero-waste lifestyle and help the economy reduce waste.

Good on you

They are an app that rates fashion brands and either they are good and ethical enough to be wearing or not. Their mission is to care for the planet, people and animals, and live in a world that is sustainable and more fair. Doing the work of rating fashion brands to help us know what is good for us to wear. By knowing what we wear is good, which makes us feel and look good too!


Joulebug is a green app, a game and a fun social experience all in one app. When you register for an account (which is free), the app gives you challenges to complete that helps you make your lifestyle and your home greener. Once you achieve the challenges, you can share on social media or with friends. It is a cool app and helpful for wanting to start off by changing your actions in helping the environment. 

Check out on Pinterest about reducing waste and doing actions that can help you be more eco-friendly!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and stay tuned for the next one! In the meantime, check out my other blog posts on the links below:

How can we develop a Zero Waste mindset?

Sustainable Future: Why should we be watching our water supply?

Simplify your Eating Habits: Waste Less

Less Waste More Living: Future of Recycling

Zero Waste Movement: Why Companies should be Recycling?


Victoria Zaitsev

I strongly believe that kindness is important to one another by making the world a better place. We should cherish the environment and leave a small impact on the place we call home. As I am learning about eco-friendly companies and how they incorporate the use of recycling on a daily basis and sharing with you what I think is most crucial towards going Green and the future of business.

View all posts by Victoria Zaitsev →

3 thoughts on “Apps that can help you achieve a greener lifestyle

  1. Hi Victoria! I didn’t know there are so many possibilities to be eco-friendly! It is a great way to start and really liked the way you presented them! I will check the apps! Thank you!

  2. Thank you for the interesting examples! Besides “too good to go” I haven’t heard about other companies, definitely going to check them out!

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