The Social Media Capital of the World is – The Philippines!

Filipinos’ fondness of social media has shown no signs of slowing down based on the Digital 2020 Global Overview Report published by UK-based creative agency, We Are Social, in partnership with Hootsuite, a Canadian social media firm. In the latest report, the Philippines has kept its title “Social Media Capital of the World” – for five years in a row now.

On average, Filipino internet users spend about four hours a day on social media sites, particularly Facebook. That’s around two months in a year spent online socializing. It may seem that Filipinos are too fond of endlessly chatting with friends and families or aimlessly scrolling their feeds for memes, photos, videos, and links, but that’s not the entire picture.

How the “Social Media Capital of the World” Can Help Businesses Thrive

If you dig a bit deeper, you will find young, driven Filipino marketers using social media to attract and engage audiences, understand consumer behavior, and nurture relationships with existing customers. That’s because brand social media management is among the top digital marketing jobs being outsourced to the Philippines.

As social media sites get crowded, gaining attention and attracting potential customers can be a huge challenge for busy CEO and managers. Since social media has become an indispensable marketing channel, you can’t remove it from your to-do list. But you can delegate all the time-consuming work it entails.

Here are a few ways an expert social marketer can take away your burden and add value to your business:

  1. Manage communities (e.g. Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups, Twitter Lists, etc.) by curating content that members care about.
  2. Respond to inquiries, concerns, or complaints via private messages in a timely manner.
  3. Plan a content strategy for daily, weekly and monthly posts and promotions.
  4. Consistently produce helpful, high-quality content (e.g. post, article, video, or podcast) to build trust and thought-leadership.
  5. Run ads not only based on generic demographics but on an intimate knowledge of the target audience.
  6. Analyze results and use insights to make adjustments on posts and promotional campaigns with poor performance.

In an era of social commerce, businesses can only thrive if they reach out to their target audience through the right platform with attention-grabbing, relevant messages. With the help of savvy social marketers from the Philippines, you can build a brand that people follow, like, and trust.

Aileen Jazbec

A master student in Online Business & Marketing with an entrepreneurial mindset who grew up in the Philippines lived and worked in Oman and is now settled in Switzerland. My blog shall build bridges to the Digital Marketing World of the Philippines. Let me show you some insights, trends and maybe even business opportunities in my home country. Follow me and feel free to keep me busy with your questions, ideas, and feedback.

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7 thoughts on “The Social Media Capital of the World is – The Philippines!

  1. Credible article!! For the past years, consumer companies in the Philippines are using social media as an effective marketing tool. Keep us posted on your studies!

  2. I learned a lot of new things from you today, thanks for sharing Aileen. These numbers are shocking, spending two months on your phone sounds insane that really put things in perspective, and you start thinking about your daily actions. The experts’ tips are a great insight as well, I find that consistency is the most important when it comes to doing communication right, and sticking to a schedule can really bring great results.
    Looking forward to the next post!

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